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TFF14 Meme & Rollcall! by KajTaotsu

Alrighty! TFF14 is next month and I cannot friggin wait for it! New hotel, new experiences, new memories to make! Who all is going??
Anyways, onwards to the questions~

Q: Where are you staying?
A: Will be staying at the con hotel.

Q: When will you be arriving and leaving?
A: Will be arriving Thursday afternoon and leaving Sunday, probably after checkout.

Q: Who will you be rooming with?
my buddy, Sparks

Q: Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
A: UHM...probably running around with friends from the dealer's den, artist alley, to trompin the halls and goofing around

Q: What/where will you be eating?
A: If you feed me, Im gonna have to make sure I wont die from it :s allergies suck, man. Other than that, probably at Jason's Deli, Chilis, Ihop, Waffle House, Wendy's, etc. Almost anything and everything

Q: Will you be having a room party?
A: Probably not. May have some friends over to drink or hang out, but nothing more than that most likely. As for going to room parties, Im pretty sure we've got a few we'll be going to.

Q: Will you be drinking and/or getting drunk?
A: I enjoy my rum, vodka, kahlua and smirnoff ice. You have been warned <3


Q: What is your gender?
A: I have a dikdik

Q: How tall are you?
A: 5'11'' maybe 6'

Q: If I approach you, will you chat with me?
A: Probably! Just tell me who you are and such first. And do forgive me if I dont remember/know your name if it's first or one of very few times we've met...Im bad with names ^^;;

Q: If I see you, how should I get your attention?
A: uhm...idk? Just come up, say hey, and introduce yourself I guess ^^;

Q: How many furry conventions have you attended?
A: TFF is the only furcon Ive been to, but this will be my third time going

Q: Do you own a fursuit?
A: Partial suit, he's in repairs at the moment


Q: Can I hug or snuggle with you?
A: I am all for hugs, long as you're hygienic..seriously guys, take showers and clean yourself (havent had this problem yet, but really dont want to either). Snuggles...will be for closer friends most likely so unless I know you well...yeah, hugs are great <3

Q: How can I find you?
A: Ill be wearing my badges, maybe even dressed up in my steampunk outfit (dont care if it aint superhero or villain P: )

Q: Can I buy you drinks?
A: Long as the drink doesn't include artificial food coloring! Grenadine and Sweet n Sour are big nono's

Q: Can I look in your sketchbook?
A: I probably wont have a sketchbook, and if I do for some odd reason..idk? ^^;

Q: Can I take your picture?
A: I really dont see why someone would want my picture but okay. Id rather stay off facebook, please.


Q: Do you do free art, trades, commissions, badges?
A: Im a cook, not a drawing artist D: I wouldnt have such things available

Q: Do you have a table in the Artist Alley / Dealer's Den or a panel in the Art Show? If so, what are you selling?
A: Nope

Q: Do you plan to volunteer?
A: Not this year. Maybe someday in the far future? But atm, I want to enjoy my cons free of duties

Q: What's your goal for the con this year?
A: Hang out with friends, meet new ones, make good memories and have a fuckin blast jammin to darroh darroh's set!

TFF14 Meme & Rollcall!


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