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Atlantis: The Lost Empire by Malachyte

I just watched this movie last night for kicks, and I-

Was this really Disney? Really? I've never seen characters so flat (emotionally and physically), a plot so full of holes it makes swiss cheese look solid, and such terrible pacing! I was yelling at my screen the hole time about all the shit they kept making up and skipping over. I feel like I could write a short essay on why everything they did was wrong. My lasting impression was simply, "Why did they have a hot air balloon on their escape pod in their submarine. And small planes, too. Why."

The one good thing they had was the awesomely weird faces they kept making when I would pause, because their animator decided it's wide as fuck eyes or bedroom eyes, and nothing in between, at all times. I would make silly icons out of so many scenes.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire


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    I remember liking that movie when I was a kid with no taste. I also enjoyed Weiß Kreuz unironically. I guess I didn't ask a lot of questions back then.

    So are you ready to watch the direct-to-DVD sequel made of pasted-together episodes of the cancelled TV series? I'll bet you are!

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      Fun fact, the sequel to Tarzan was that exact thing; basically a pilot to a cartoon series.

      But unlike Atlantis, Tarzan actually succeeded and it was a pretty good show.

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        It wouldn't surprise me to learn this was the origin of pretty much every Disney animated movie sequel.

        I recall hearing the Aladdin TV series was pretty decent, though? My only memory of the sequels is the psychic scarring from hearing Gilbert Gottfried sing.

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          Yeah, the Aladdin cartoon was quite decent. The Little Mermaid, however, kinda bored me as a kid, but that might have been due to the fact that I simply wasn't the target audience for it. x3

          I don't recall any more (successful) cartoons based on Disney movies, though: Tarzan, Aladdin, and The Little Mermaid are about it, as far as I remember.

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    xD it is quite terrible, the story is half ass all the way. Tho I liked it as a kid, then now we understand more about story writing and stuff lol we criticize everything