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Minor updating..... by keirajo

Things have been crazy and hectic lately that I haven't had a ton of time for artwork--as you can see. Between preparing for AnimeExpo (all the financial stuff), work being busy, personal life being a bit crazy, the weather not deciding what it wants to do and all that other nonsense, I don't have a lot of time for "hobby" things.

Mostly, when I do right now, I have been playing "Persona 3 REload". This was a game I was highly looking forward to, as "Persona 3" IS my favorite Persona game of all time. You could probably guess that--as human-form Keira-Jo's alternate outfit is the school uniform of P3. chuckle So, I moved things to the back burners (as far as hobbies go), so I can play this game when I do have small bits of free time.

I plan on doing letter and PM writing this coming weekend, having Monday off of work--so, if I haven't responded to a PM from you on this site.......I'll be working on those offline and probably post responses when I'm back to work with internet on Tuesday. :)

I hope everything else is going well in everybody's life. :D

Minor updating.....


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  • Link

    goodluck! and no worries, take as long as you need oki <:3 again I'm really sorry i was so late on responding to you so don't worry if you are too, it's all cool bud UwU and it's alright it don't have to be as long as mine either <X3 I should try and make my messages shorter but it's hard when I like to talk alot eheh.. ^w^;

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      When they get long—I usually have to take and reply to them offline, because it’s hard to see on my phone……so no worries. I concentrate better and can take more breaks when I’m responding, when I’m on my own time offline! So, I think they’re better responses. :)

      • Link

        i understand :3 I sometimes struggle to find the motivation to read and reply to things, especially since I like to talk alot so I do apologise for the delayy dogufiogfiodgofid I'll be trying to talk less than I normally do but it's a bit hard when I got so much to say <:3 though it's not that I don't like talking ofcourse! I just need to find some ways that could work better for me that's all.. ^-^; /nbr /nmu

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          I think I’m just slower to respond because I’m old! laughs

          I just feel like when I have time to sit and think of a response, I make better conversation. :) When I’m online, I feel like my time is so limited and I’m always in a hurry…, being able to cut-and-paste into a writing program I can access offline makes me feel more relaxed when I’m talking to people! :D

          • Link

            it's really good that you get to find the time to do these things! sometimes i'm way too busy ^w^; but i still reply to my friends no matter what because true friends never ignore each other UwU as we all say, better late than never right? X3

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              I get motivations to do various things at weird times…..writing is something I love, though. So when I sit down to do it—whether it’s stories or letters/messages—I usually throw myself into it and enjoy it! :)

              Today, though—my mood was reading, so I spent most of today reading a book and some manga. I also read the graphic novel adaption of “Watership Down”—haven’t read the book in about 15 years or more, but I remembered so much about it as I read this graphic novel. :D

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                yeah when I have motivation to do art like drawing and writing, I find it enjoyable too :3 in late 2023 and early 2024, I was motivated to animate like crazy XD I'm just glad I got it back! because lack of motivation had always been a problem for me animating, and was what I needed most, so I'm glad I got back into animating again and I hope my motivation comes to stay this time! Cos I've written down tons of ideas of many things I want to animate X3 from pngtubers to desktop buddies to even animation memes and music videos, I've got so many things I want to animate, just motivation's a real problem when it comes to animating QwQ I need to look up ways I can be motivated more because animator's block is something I struggle with most when it comes to animating <=D I'm just glad I got the default emote of my pngtuber down! ^w^;

                • Link

                  That sounds great! I hope you can keep that motivation for awhile! :D

                  • Link

                    thank you I hope so too ^-^