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Denouncing DeviantArt by Inert-Ren

Hello, people!

In the last two weeks I've been going through a very very bad situation I did my best to solve quietly, but as things got worse, I feel totally cornered and in need of help. Or at least, if the issue can't be solved, expose how unreliable the platform have become and make people aware of where they're getting into if they still decide to put your Art in their responsibility.

So, I've had my account with them ( ) for SEVENTEEN years.
I followed hundreds of people and was followed by over 6500 Watchers. AND I'm a Commission Artist, it took this time to have this curated and build a career from it.
If you're another Artist you know how hard it is to have a platform with a high number of followers, and how important this number is to your business.

On January 10th, totally out of the blue I had my account suspended and the charge was "spammer".
I was pretty sure it was a mistake and contacted their staff through a ticket, and a couple of days later they replied saying my accounted was wrongly targeted by their automatic system.

The next day I logged in to verify my account, and although I could access it and my gallery and entries were still there, I lost ALL of my 6500 watchers and followers.

Once again, I contacted them and the reply was:
"Unfortunately as a result of your account's suspension, certain elements of your account were not recoverable.

We understand that this must be frustrating to hear, especially given that this suspension occurred due to no fault of your own."

I'm baffled.
Feels like they threw a rocket in my shop, and said "Oops. Our drones thought you were a criminal. Sorry, good luck rebuilding your life".

First, it was THEIR mistake, not a natural disaster. They are accountable, saying you're sorry is not enough.
Second, one may say "it's a private company, they can do whatever" - and I can't agree with that. Art Platforms are nothing without Artists to feed them content. They need us. More over, I used to be a subscriber.

And third, I don't think they fully restore the account to a two-weeks ago point, even if it sacrifices the last days views (which were nearly nothing, as it became a wiped-clean account). I think they think I'm just not big enough to worth the time of putting someone to fetch the backups.

And that's it, it's out in the open now.
If they really can't do anything, then beware, if anything goes wrong you're on your own.
You'll have to build from scrap, and if it's your main source of income, good luck with your bills.

Denouncing DeviantArt


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  • Link

    This is why I've been considering not renewing my subscription when it expires. I'll lose the rare "Core till Hell Freezes Over" badge but I think it'll be better in the long run if I don't give them any more money.

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    i spread out my content over multiple art sites and invite my FA followers there. Same for my watches on FA i have them on the other sites as well.

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      I keep my deviant account for some artists that are not any where else. Since it dont' do twitter (aka X) or facebook. I can't us bluesky without an invite so i use Itaku.

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    Damn, really sorry this happened to you and they just left you like that. The heads up are very appreciated.

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    That is terrible. Deviantart has gotten worse over the years with it's bad policy changes.

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    That's absolutely horrific. They destroyed a source of living and refused to fix it.

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    Ooof. Fuck DA.

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    The thing you have to factor is how much potential revenue you lost. If it's in the thousands, you have a case against them. If not, then unfortunately... Time to move on and start over.. I can spread journals about your commissions if you want.

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    Not much point debating this. The update to this journal was interesting but all it really attracted for the most part was Deviant defenders. Watched on other sites is the best i can do for the time being. I prefer Weasyl and IB but if this trolling is starting here as well. I'm gone.