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Advice Wanted: Pricing Clarifications by ShimmeringSpectrum

Anyone able to help a writer figure out how to phrase their pricing?

I've had a couple clients express some confusion over my pricing, especially given the way my pricing sheet is written. Those examples are three separate categories of stories, but something about the presentation just doesn't seem right. So, any advice on reworking a price sheet for a writer? I'd like to have something visual to accompany my self-promotion posts?

The most important thing I want to clarify is my pricing for stories: 4¢ per word for stories up to 4,000 words is the intended pricing. I impose a 1,000 word ($40) minimum just because that is the lower bound of what I can typically do for someone. I know some folks would rather see this described as $4 per 100 words, which I could use on the price sheet instead.

I'd also like to charge an increasing rate for stories past 4,000 words since it gets exponentially harder to focus and edit. My current plan is to add a penny per word at regular intervals past that, but some folks seem to think there's a discontinuity in the pricing. That is, they think that 4,000 words is $160, but 4,100 words would cost $205 even though the higher rate would just apply to the amount above 4,000 words. Not sure how to phrase that in a way that's not overly complex.

Open to any suggestions here, really. I want it to be easier for people to understand what I'll be charging so that, hopefully, more of y'all want to commission me. :)

Advice Wanted: Pricing Clarifications


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    Every word until 4000 words will cost 4¢, after that then every next 1000 words will cost 1¢ more.
    So every thousand would cost: 40$ + 40$ + 40$ + 40$ + 50$ + 60$ + 70$ + 80$ and so on.
    (6500 words = 4000*4 + 1000*5 + 1000*6 + 500*7 = 30500¢ = 305$)

    Note that English is not my first language, I just tried to find a way to explain it in short~

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    I thought writing was either done by the word count or pages, I would assume it's most likely by word count. I am not quite sure how to price writing but I think maybe having the prices set to the highest rounding visually would be the better option, most people don't often look at prices in the cents so it might be difficult for them to figure price so something like:

    minimum word count 1000 words $40 and then round from there like 2000 words $50 and so on until the 4000 words, the explain that due to size/time/editing the price will increase and have the intervals set at something like 4500 5000 5500 since they will give you the extra charge and should provide a nice rounding so that your buyers will be more inclined to hit those marks instead of odd numbers like 4100 4122 and so on.

    Hope that was helpful in someway, granted I aint a writers and I am trying to provide pricing to how I would price my work so it might not work for you but hopefully it's a step in the right direction.