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I Don't Support YandereDev by AoiTheDragon

I also would like to make it known that I do not support YandereDev any longer. I stopped supporting him about a year ago and I'm very glad I made that decision. I just never spoke about it publicly that I no longer support him because I was too terrified to say anything since I used to be one of his biggest supporters and fans but after what happened recently, I'm beating this fear and I'm putting my foot down and making it known that I no longer support him. I recommend you check out this link to read for yourself what's been going on lately if you're a fan of YandereDev or Yandere Simulator. I will continue to focus on my furry content since I love creating and uploading furry photos and videos. If I lose people because of my decision/cancelling support for YandereDev, so be it. I cannot support someone like that and refuse to do so. Like I said, I stopped supporting Dev about a year ago and at that time, I also heavily lost interest in the game itself as well. But what I could never let go of were the characters, who were the reason why I fell in love with the game in the first place. A lot of these characters always had a special place in my heart and continue to have that special place and that's the only reason why I created Furdere Simulator, my furry Yan Sim AU because I wanted to rewrite the characters to my own liking and to get them as far away from the official version as possible, to protect them in a way. Fur Sim is mostly story and art based anyway, not actually a mod for the game or anything to do with the actual game. However, that's also why I still played the game sometimes because I love the characters too much but from this day forward, I don't think I'm gonna play it anymore. It's left such a disgusting taste in my mouth, especially now but a lot of these characters have helped me through a lot of my struggles so I couldn't just let them go and wanted to create my own versions of them. If you look at my Yan Sim fursonas and you're not all too familiar with the game, you probably couldn't even tell that they're supposed to be Yan Sim fursonas due to that fanmade aspect, so that does give me a lot of comfort since my furry Yan Sim characters are so different from the official ones. Animal versions of them don't exist officially, for example. But the thing is, they're still based on Yan Sim characters and are named after them, meaning they're based on a project from someone I can't support any longer so there's that. What are your thoughts on that? This probably also means no more Yan Sim Pose Mod(e) images either and ngl, it's not like I really miss making those anyway. All my financial support goes to fursuit makers and individual artists so YandereDev doesn't get any funds from my furry Yan Sim characters. With that said, if my characters are still a form of supporting Dev in a way, then not all hope is lost because something cool has been on my mind for quite a long while. I've always considered what it would be like for these characters to attend Raccoon University (Resident Evil universe), or just some new university or academic building somewhere in the Resident Evil universe and my Yan Sim furry characters would be dropped there, but they'll keep their looks and get some sort of name change, perhaps! Furdere Simulator could also be renamed to something else so that ain't a problem either! But for the time being, I'm just gonna enjoy posting my stuff from the Alfurnative furry convention that I attended recently and then I'll think about what to do next regarding my furry Yan Sim AU. :)

Feel free to let me know as well if you think creating fanmade furry characters based on the official Yan Sim characters is still a way of supporting YandereDev! I'd appreciate any feedback on that especially.

I Don't Support YandereDev


Journal Information



  • Link

    I don't blame you for no longer supporting a creator who turned out to be erm.. a pedo. blegh. I'm against that kind of thing aswell, even sadly coming across a few of these creeps as a kid before myself. this was part of why my childhood really was ruined along with the constant abuse and ableism which kinda lead me to being a kidfur/little today. i'm not glad about what I went through before, but i'm glad littlespace is actually a thing, cos being a little makes me really happy and age regression brings me alot of comfort in general <:3 I'm glad there's other people who feel the same way as I do so I'm not alone, it gives us a chance to relive our childhoods and I'm glad there's some adult sized kiddie things aswell too ^-^ but yeah I'm very against pedophillia and I hate when people compare littles to such, when littlespace is just like the furry community. zoos are never welcome in the furry community, pedos are never welcome in the littlespace community, and both pedos and zoos have no place in the pride community whatsoever. but yeah I'm disgusted too that the creator of something you once loved was actually a pedo and I'm sorry they had to ruin it for you :< it sucks when people do that D: sorry for also going a little offtopic too, didn't mean to though just wanted to share my experiences too <:3

    it's totally okay to turn a fandom oc into something more original tho! my ocs Max and Cody and possibly a few others actually use to be mii ocs, so even they once started out as fan characters :3 but I wanted to make them into something more original with my own original ideas instead, because fandoms can sometimes add restrictions to what can and can't happen in their universe or whatsoever. like how pokemon usually have to have a certain look, type, and moves, though I still love pokemon and actually have a flareon oc somewhere ^w^ but I didn't really have anything against the fandoms like miis and nintendo or anything, like I still think miis are totally awesome and I still really do love playing as them on games, but I guess I just wanted more freedom and originality for my characters that i made Cody and Max original instead ^-^ it also saves the creators of media getting angry at you when you try to sell merchandise and make fan content of your fan characters (or fcs for sort) cos sadly pokemon itself does not approve of fanmade games :c probably cos that's how they earn their bread, by selling games that they make. could be their only job you see, or maybe they rely on this one most and don't like people "stealing" from them in general

    • Link

      Thanks very much for sharing your experience, thoughts and feedback! I really appreciate it and I fully agree with you! I'm happy that you've found a true place in the littlespace community! ^w^ hugs

      And I see! I'm planning on doing something completely original with my existing furry characters as well and turn them all into Resident Evil OCs! Aoi's already there since I've always considered her more of a RE Village OC anyway, and Resident Evil is my main interest and passion nowadays so everything all worked out in the end, ngl! :3

      Anyways, screw pedos and zoos!

      • Link

        no prob ^-^ sometimes if you don't want to lose attachment to your ocs and sonas, you gotta fix them <:3 that's why I completely revamped my first oc Izzy, he use to be an old adopt I got, and I liked him at first until some morons dragged me into this horrible, toxic roleplay which put me off him alot :< I guess I sorta killed off the character after that. his old design looked too much like a flareon anyway and I already had a flareon fc. but I'm glad I revived him, brought him back, and completely revamped him, because now he's a comfort character ❤️‍🩹 he also became my imaginary bestie aswell and he really helped me alot whenever I was feeling down <:3 I'm not gonna let anyone hurt him anymore, the new Izzy isn't for that. I'm also gonna revamp some other old characters I've lost attachment to. I had some old adopts like Blazey and Cookie which were designed by someone I no longer have respect for anymore. Cookie's design definitely needs a revamp, I kinda don't like how she looks.. >.<

        yea, no more pedos and zoos! they all deserve to be thrown in jail for their wrongs. theft and impersonation is a crime too, maybe dump them in jail too. the imposters and thieves i mean. art thieves included ofcourse.

        • Link

          I agree and I'm so glad you felt a connection again with him after his revamp! I've been doing the same with Aoi regarding her info and backstory! I've always been happy with the way she looked like, so all that's left to do is just to change her info and backstory, and they're already fully written! I'm really proud of myself for coming up with a complete new and unique backstory in such a short time, and can't wait to post it! x3

          Good luck with revamping your other characters! I'm glad Izzy is safe and sound, and that he's a comfort character for you! I feel the same way about my Aoi and Amai! ^w^

          • Link

            thanks! I appreciate the support ^-^ it's good you feel this way! I think Amai's fursuit design was a premade anyway ^w^ but yeah no one is ever gonna ruin my characters for me ever again ❤️‍🩹 the bullies may do kill art and hate art, but it's never gonna stop me from loving my real sonas and ocs, because I know my real characters would never do horrible things, have horrible things happen, or even look "ugly". I think haters try to make their hate art ugly because they're just jealous of how cuter and better we are compared to them (◡ܫ◡✿) their stuff's trash anyway lol

            • Link

              No problem! ^w^

              Yes, you're correct! Amai is indeed a premade, and it's really rare for me to fall in love with premades but once I saw her, I just HAD to get her, heh heh! x3

              And yup, exactly! uwu

              • Link

                I can see why you like her! ^-^ she's very pretty and I like how fluffy she is :3

                I too prefer my own designs over the adopts I get :3 I find I tend to grow attached to adopted characters more when I adjust the design a little to my own liking UwU Zerda was an old adopt I got from a so called "friend" who never even credited her creator. I liked her design, but I wanted to make a few adjustments to her so I can love her more, so I did! her new look is still recognisable from her old tho, dw! wasn't sure what her species was, she looked a bit like a fennec fox, a longhaired big eared kitty, or a serval. so I made her into a fennec :3 I still wanna find her creator tho >.< it sucks when people don't even credit, like it's not even that hard to. this is part of why crediting all forms of art including music is so important, cos how are we suppose to know their creator? I hate not knowing the name of a song I love >.< I'm just glad that shazam and google lens exists, but even they fail sometimes :c

                • Link

                  I see! Nice! ^w^

                  And yeah, I know the feeling! I really dislike when people don't give credit! Also, I don't think I could live without Shazam or Google Lens! They definitely do fail sometimes, but they are amazing tools to have and when they work right, they actually work right, if you know what I mean! :3

                  • Link

                    I totally agree! we need more things like shazam and lens that function differently, so they can find the source and credits more! 💛

                    I'm still tryna find Zerda's original creator because back when I got her, she was given to me for free by this so called "friend", but that "friend" didn't even create her, I think they got her from an adopt batch and didn't even credit the artist. I have a feeling it could of either been deviantart, furry amino, or somewhere else, but those where the two places the fake "friend" used most. Zerda never had a name, gender, or species, but she looked like either a fennec fox or a serval, so i made her into a fennec vixen and named her Zerda after the fennec's scientific name. I really wish I could credit her creator, but even google lens couldn't find her creator either :<

                    this is the original artwork I got of her when I first got Zerda. her artist(s) and creator still remains unknown.. :c
                    I updated her design a little when I drew her, just to help me grow attached to the character more and to fit my design interests more :3 still love her old design! but I felt she could do with a little touch up so that I could love her even more ^w^

                    • Link

                      Awwww, sorry to hear Google Lens couldn't find the creator either! I sometimes try to find fursuiters with it after I've been to a convention and while I've definitely gotten some right results, others not so much...AT ALL! XD >w<

                      I'm glad her touch up really helped you love her even more!! :D

                      • Link

                        sorry forgot to reply hh
                        I hope you manage to find those you've befriended tho! It's likely that some people make videos of the convention that time, so you might be able to search then!
                        thanks! I'm glad too :3 sometimes you gotta add your own ideas too if it helps you love an adopt more ^-^ I find I grow most attached to my characters if they were designed by me, since I have my own likes and interests I could add to the character :3

                        • Link

                          No worries about it and I hope so too! ^^

                          And I agree! ^w^

                          • Link

                            I'd like to ask something if that's okay ^-^ what are conventions like? do they have any fun activities? :> what about toys? :D I'm especially interested in learning more about Scotiacon too ^-^ I hope I get to go someday! that and confuzzled looks amazing :o I hear they have a pool! :D

                            • Link

                              Of course that's okay! You're always welcome to ask me anything ya want! ^w^

                              I can only speak from personal experience, but they certainly have fun activities! I'd say the most calmest day is the first day, not really including early arrival days, but the true first day of the con. This first day usually includes an opening ceremony and maybe a few activities but from experience, the first day of a con is usually the calmest, especially if you're talking about early arrival! ^^

                              And you bet that there's toys! Lots of toys, props, fursuit toys/accessories that everyone can play with at the con, etc.! Some cons have a different theme each year, such as ScotiaCon and ConFuzzled! I'm going to SC again next year because they have a dinosaur/prehistoric theme and I absolutely love dinos so I had to go! x3

                              • Link

                                that sounds fun! I hope I get to go someday ^-^ I wonder if there's balloons, I like balloons too :3 what kind of activities do they do?

                                • Link

                                  It certainly is a lot of fun indeed! The activities vary per con and per theme! For example, there's board games, tournaments where others play against each other in games such as Mario Kart Wii, or having tons of boxes in a room for fursuiters to play around with! There's also a bunch of panels where you can learn how to make fursuits, mental health panels, etc.! Another example is there are also meetups/gatherings at the con where attendees can meet other likeminded individuals who share the same interests such as motorbikes (also referred to as Motor Furs), meetups just for women in the fandom/people who identify as a woman/she/her, etc.! Last time at ConFuzzled, if I recall correctly, there was an activity for people to gather where they could share information and stories about their favorite plush that they brought to the meetup, and so on! There's something for everyone! ^w^

                                  • Link

                                    ohh that does sound interesting ^-^

                                    • Link

                                      Mhm! Oh, I also forgot to mention that a lot of cons have fursuit dance competitions too! It's basically where fursuiters compete against each other and show of their best dance moves while dancing to their selected song and there's also judges who will judge the suiters based on their moves and stuff and eventually, they decide who comes out on top! :3

                                      • Link

                                        oh yeah I've heard about that! it sounds like fun, I would like to participate ^-^ have you ever been in one before? :D

                                        • Link

                                          Nope, not yet! Maybe in the future but just to watch the other suiters! I wouldn't dare compete myself! Way too scared lol! xP

                                          • Link

                                            ahh, stage fright? I don't blame ya, I think I'd be nervous too QwQ but I also wanna face some of my fears, like when I went to Landmark in the scottish highlands, I went on a climbing balancing thing where you're attached to a rope incase you do fall. I have basophobia but I think I preferred the easier one as that was more fun, the harder one I succeeded too, but boy was that scary! but I did feel very accomplished, I didn't fall off any of them either! :o

                                            I wonder what songs fursuit dance competitions have available :o

                                            • Link

                                              Oooooh, that's amazing! Really proud of ya!! :DDDDD

                                              • Link

                                                I appreciate it X3