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Aurora Borealis is out tonight by Shadane

And yes, it is in fact at this time of year, at this time of day, localized entirely within my kitchen. Well, not exactly within my kitchen, my neighborhood is too bright to see it here. Then again, that's what Northern Lights livestreams are for, which I'm watching on the computer in our kitchen; I just wanted an excuse to resurrect a dead meme. Hopefully nobody reading this journal is as unlucky as I am, and actually gets to see it outside their house, this is the closest I will get to seeing the real thing IRL for now. ^^'

Aurora Borealis is out tonight


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    I hear we rarely get them in my country too, usually when it's cold out, but even though I don't really like the cold, I still would love to see the northern lights and meteor showers, they sound amazing :3 seen supermoons twice last month tho! yeah there was a blue supermoon so last month we got to see a huge full moon twice X3 was awesome

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      True, I can barely handle the cold myself. The moment the winter chills set in, my body immediately goes into hibernation mode like a bear, but there's a chance you'll see it in late summer to early fall!

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        yeah same, though a squirrel or a chipmunk would probably suit me better lol
        but then again, also a swallow with the whole migration thing XD I love travelling and I really like the idea of travelling somewhere nice and warm to escape the cold harsh winters here, so I could go outside more and enjoy more beach days ahead of me. I've been dying to go abroad for a very long time actually <:o wish I get to.. QwQ

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    I think we’re too far away where I’m at, plus the street lights are too bright to ever see much of anything in the sky. But any way you can find a chance to view something like this is great! :D

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      Yeah, I wish I could see it in person, hopefully I will someday. Q_Q

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        Maybe someday!