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Temporary Mental Health Break by AoiTheDragon

Hey, everyone! It's your dragon pal Aoi Ryugoku here and I know I've been slightly less active lately again. This is because my mental health has taken a turn for the worse again. I was doing really well but I've reached a point where it feels like I'm back to square one again. Very frequently, my emotions and feelings swing up and down and it seems like this is the case yet again. There's a lot of stuff going on in real life regarding family/personal as well recently that add on to my stress, depression, and anxiety. I haven't gone outside that much either lately due to very high stress and anxiety levels, so there isn't much new fursuiting content I can upload either currently. I also feel like I've been pushing myself a little too hard at times and not giving my body and mind time to rest, which in return means more stress, depression and anxiety as well. I've also been incredibly tired again as of late too. So I think it's for the better that I take a break for the time being again just to get myself back on track because I don't like where my mental health has been going lately. I feel like I could definitely use some rest and just take it easy regarding my online activity. So this will mean that I probably won't post that much for the time being until I feel like I'm ready to come back fully again! I will continue to check notifications and check up on art as much as I can whenever I feel like I can, but I probably won't be posting much myself until I feel ready again. Thank you so much for your understanding and for your continued support! <3

Temporary Mental Health Break


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  • Link

    i hope you really get well soon

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    take care, remember to take it easy and have plenty rest <:o don't forget to treat yourself if you're able to

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      Thank you and I will! I'm definitely treating myself as of late, something that I haven't been doing at all lately! And now that dad is back home again, we can go out more too! We went to the beach a few days ago, and we went to a garden center today! Today was finally a decent day! Slow and steady does the trick! ^w^

      • Link

        that sounds really good ^-^ it's nice to get away from all the worries and stress so it's good you've been having breaks from it all :3

  • Link

    HUG Do get better soon... it's sometimes best to break every now and then...

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      hugs back Thanks so much and yes, you are right! ^^

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        ^^ I say you take as long as you need to!! ^^