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Thinking Of Trying Itaku. Thoughts? by LordDominic

Just like the title says, I'm thinking of giving Itaku a try after seeing a couple of my friends and people I follow mention it. Much like my recent invasion of Inkbunny, this wouldn't be intended to replace my activity on any site I currently use, but rather, be an addition to my roster.

(Praise be upon Postybirb for enabling me to be active on multiple sites without spending an hour a day just uploading to sites individually.)

Does anybody have any experience with Itaku? What are your thoughts and opinions on it? Worth a shot? Should I go through the effort of migrating a bunch of my art there if I join, or just start fresh?

Hoping to hear from anybody that has thoughts on the matter. I'd rather not go through the effort of starting with another site just to have it be one that nobody uses, or one that ends up imploding out of nowhere (glares at Buzzy Art or whatever the hell it was called, at least that dumpster burst into flames while I was still in the "I might give this one a shot" phase, before I wasted any time making an account and posting).

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Thinking Of Trying Itaku. Thoughts?


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    I had a look on there! didn't like the rules tho, they don't seem to allow you to make multiple tags of similar things, calling it "spam". like for example, you can't put tags like "run, running, runs, runner, runners" because they see it as "spam" when you're just tryna get your art out there and I don't see a problem with that. they don't like joke tags either such as "holysmokesicantthinkofanymore, idunnowhatothertagstoadd, ranouttaideasfortags, merpaderpaburp" i mean what's wrong with a little fun every now and then am I right? no offense but their staff kinda sound like boring partypoopers imo.. I think there may be other strict rules I don't agree on (such as low effort art can't be public) which is why I decided not to join. but hey if you're okay with them, that's okay! I'm just saying what I think and how I feel, not saying do or don't join ^-^; I read the rules here btw sorry if I came off direct in any way!

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      Thanks for the response! So far I got an indifferent response on FA and a positive one on Inkbunny so it's nice to see one pointing out some possible downsides of a site. I wasn't too sure because of just how "social media" it is, I find those infinitely scrollng feeds rather unpleasant... but at least it seems to have proper galleries and favorites!

      Honestly, I hate how sometimes I'm unsure how to tag stuff because I feel like I'm spamming or tag-stuffing when I throw a bunch of synonyms in, so I could probably adapt to that rule... if I had any idea what sort of tags they'd want! But if they're that uppity about tagging, I'm sure they'd take offense to me trying to migrate/archive a bunch of older art there. I like some of my old stuff and don't want to lose it.

      Thanks again for pointing that out, I like to do a little research and get other peoples' opinions on this stuff before I invest the time and energy. Ever since DA got Eclipsed in 2020, I just haven't been able to find a single art site that I'm truly satisfied with so I want to keep an eye out for anything promising.
      (For the record, my ONLY issue with Weasyl is that I don't know who, if anyone, is actively running this site, or how it's funded/supported, so I worry that one day I might wake up and this site won't be here anymore, which would really be a shame!)

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        no prob! ^-^ it's really good you're doing a little learning before joining, that's what I did when I moved to weasyl to escape bullies when I needed a safe alternative than the hellhole they call deviantart. I like how weasyl has a rule against rants/callouts so being here honestly made me feel safe.. ÚwÙ

        ahh I see, yeah I like to try and get my art out there as much as I can so their strict rules and tag restrictions sorta put me off you see. I do like weasyl too and I agree, would be a shame if it ended up like furiffic and sheezy :< but lets hope not! meanwhile it's good we enjoy our time on here :3 I think it's a really nice place and I met alot of nice people here ^w^ but it's also good that you're branching out to other places :3 sometimes I like to do that too! :D goodluck on finding another cool place tho!

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    So far ive not encountered many problems with itaku; the only major drawback is that I have to edit out a few of my tags to comply with the "no multitagging rule", though this hasnt really impacted my arts visibility on there. Also with some variations of one tag the site will often autocorrect it into a single tag, the same when searching (like if you search or tag "furries" itll automatically link to the tag "furry" instead); it doesn't do this for all tags but it does help with the multitagging thing.

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      Sorry for the late reply! Honestly, I dislike the idea of "tag-stuffing" and I wish there was a bit more of a unified/universal way of tagging things--I rarely know what sort of keywords to use, what's relevant to tag or not tag, and so on, and I wind up either using too few or too many tags.
      Something that would automatically remove or combine or edit irrelevant and redundant tags and suggest better ones honestly sounds like a godsend to someone like me, but I know that's probably not true for everyone.

      I'm not quite sure if the site is a good fit for me right now so I'm not pulling the trigger just yet, but I know the only way alternatives to the big sites will take off is if people use them. I really wish I could get more people to give Weasyl a shot too as I think this is a really good site, it has a lot of the same blacklisting features as Inkbunny but without the reputation (and users) and a more modern and easier to understand layout, and it seems like a "general art" site more along the lines of what DeviantArt was rather than being targeted toward a specific community like Fur Affinity is. Itaku also seems to be a more "general" site and that's another thing that has me considering joining there.

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        You could try just mirroring your art posts to there to try it out and see what kind of response you get; give it a few months and if you dont feel youre getting enough engagement just close the account; though im not sure whether it works with postybirb or not (i dont use it)..

        As for getting more people using different sites theres been a couple of things ive been doing to try and encourage more people across to different sites subtly...

        1. Making certain pictures exclusive to other sites (well ive kinda had to do this cos of FAs rules, but ive also thrown a couple of other pictures in there which i know dont break the rulesl, basically now ill only upload a pic to FA if i know it doesnt break the rules, and if i can be bothered to ;-))

        2. If i find an artist i like on FA ill immediately look to see if theyre active on any other art site and follow them there as well

        3. If an artist posts a pic to FA that I want to fav and comment on, ill look for the same pic on one of their other profiles on a different site (eg weasyl) and favorite and comment on it there instead and leave the FA one alone

        Doing small things like this is a good way to show other artists that these sites are not a waste of time and that people are using them :-)

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          Indeed, I did consider just jumping in and mirroring my uploads rather than the tedious process of archiving all sorts of old art, which I get the feeling they might not like me doing either. I suppose if I felt like migrating some old stuff there, a "best of" collection where I just pick like 10 or so things instead of 200 might be a good way to go, and I'm aware that Itaku supports multiple image files per post but I'm not sure what the limit of images per post is.

          I'm pretty sure Postybirb V3 has an option to post to Itaku and the friend that initially suggested it to me about a year ago uses Postybirb for a bunch of different galleries and hasn't mentioned any issues. Not sure how their tag enforcement would work with that, but I honestly don't think I'd run into any real issues with redundant/irrelevant tags. I suppose things like "chubby" and "pudgy" are a bit too synonymous to use both, for example, but outside of that I tend to avoid using too many tags that mean the same thing if I can help it.

          Exclusive content isn't a bad idea, and it's something I've definitely considered in the past. Unfortunately, I'm about as vanilla and tame as they come so I don't have a lot of "Too Hot For (certain site)" art, and the only thing I think I really dabble in that's disallowed anywhere is Inkbunny not allowing general photography, not that anybody is really watching me just for the occasional photos of mushrooms or a pocket-sized plush fennec sitting on logs next to small mushrooms. I also thought about making art that has multiple pieces and posting one part to each site I use, just to give people a reason to visit my other galleries at least. That might be worth pursuing too, I can already think of a couple ways to implement something like that.

          I do already like to mirror my follows across sites too, that's just a good idea in case a site goes down for an extended period cough Fur Affinity cough but I'm not sure I'd ignore someone's post on another site in favor of another, I tend to mirror my faving activity too--but I honestly think Weasyl has the best commenting of all the sites I use. Whose idea was it to make not being able to respond to profile page shouts on your profile page an intentional feature? lol So many random conversation fragments...

          I've actually got a few site-exclusive followers, on Weasyl for example I have one or two that aren't active elsewhere, and I've picked up a couple folks over on Inkbunny that seem to be refugees from other sites, so I would say it's definitely worth branching out--at worst, it's just a redundancy in case one site isn't an option anymore, and at best, it is a way to find new people and get a change of scenery from site to site.

          Thanks for all the feedback so far! I suppose the first step really would just be to make an account there (or anywhere I want to try, for that matter) and just follow people there that I already follow elsewhere, and see how it goes.