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Roll Call by Vosyl

I want to know who's still around, checking the site, and following me. I hate site statistics and love that weasyl lets me disable that, on twitter I ran the demetricator extension before realizing I prefer quieter glades. You telling me you're here gives me a better incentive than any numbler that likes to wobble up and down, no rhyme nor reason, to start thinking bigger about how I want to use Weasyl.

Either way, I'm still all too happy to upload illustrations whenever I finish them, do the bare minimum tagging and write-up. I was online in the VCL era where it was me and a big blocky monitor, and people talked through email and usenet groups. I know there's some number of people who lurk and never interact and prefer it that way. I love creating even if it is for that crowd, but personally as very early web style of art it was, I regret never reaching out more to say how I liked their art.

If you work with me, give me pointers for what tags to use, link to tutorials you've seen other artists recommend, suggest subject matter you know people on this site want, I'll see what I can do to come to a mutual arrangement. Nothing binding, no promises made. We'll see.

  • Vosyl.

PS. Sorry about my lack of output this year. Personal reasons. Most of us do this as a hobby, even though I've done my years at art school, I still count myself among the ranks of amatuers who are all too happy just to do this to have fun without the burdening ourselves with visions of outrageous success. I'm putting my all into commissions, as the list is finite, and after those I'll be closing up for the foreseeable future to focus on larger projects: limited-page run webcomics, short zine games, and dabbling in the weirder things I've always wanted to do but never found the time. I've always wanted to make a furry screensaver, or a low-poly PS1-era style model of one of my characters.

Roll Call


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    I'm still here. And I post some art here.

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    Here and trying to be active/crosspost more

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    Very recently present and accounted for! Glad to see you!

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    Rook One, reading you five by five. I'm on your wing.

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    I hardly ever get any feedback on my submissions here so I don't drop in often, but I still do follow you.