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Name ideas for hybrid fox breeds by Hazel3

Here's some fox hybrid name ideas for mixed breed foxes :3 I decided to do foxes only since while mixed breed dogs already have a hybrid names (such as chiweenies and pomskies) I decided why not foxes? :3
I didn't include any false foxes since although they are fox like, they aren't really part of the fox family.. ^-^; I also didn't include silver foxes, platinum foxes, marble foxes etc, since they are the different colours of red foxes. Any hybrids of those can just go by the red fox names if you wanted UwU
Some of the names I thought up are good, others are an epic fail. either way, enjoy! And feel free to use any of these if you're having trouble knowing what to call your mixed fox species, whether it be a pet or a character or whatsoever ^w^

red + arctic = arcred fox
red + fennec = fenred fox
red + bat eared = red eared fox
red + swift = swed fox
red + kit = rit fox
red + cape = red cape fox
red + pale = pale red fox
red + ruppells = reddells fox
red + corsac = redcor fox
red + tibetan = tiredan fox
red + bengal = red-gal fox
red + grey = gred fox
red + island = red isle fox
red + cozumel = cozumred fox
red + raccoon dog = redcoon fox
arctic + fennec = fenarctic fox
arctic + bat eared = bat earctic fox
arctic + swift = arctift fox
arctic + kit = arkit fox
arctic + cape = arcape fox
arctic + pale = pale-tic fox
arctic + ruppells = ruptic fox
arctic + corsac = corctic fox
arctic + tibetan = artibetan fox
arctic + bengal = arcben fox
arctic + grey = greytic fox
arctic + island = snow isle fox
arctic + cozumel = cozumtic fox
arctic + raccoon dog = arcticoon dog
fennec + bat eared = fen eared fox
fennec + swift = fenwift fox
fennec + kit = fennekit fox ( hey that's me! XD )
fennec + cape = fennecape fox
fennec + pale = palefen fox
fennec + ruppells = ruppec fox
fennec + corsac = fennecorsac fox
fennec + tibetan = tibetanec fox
fennec + bengal = bennec fox
fennec + grey = fenney fox
fennec + island = isle fen fox
fennec + cozumel = cozummec fox
fennec + raccoon dog = fennuki fox
bat eared + swift = swift eared fox
bat eared + kit = bat kit fox
bat eared + cape = bat cape fox (nananananananana BATMAAAAN BAT FOOOX)
bat eared + pale = pale bat fox
bat eared + ruppells = ruppell eared fox
bat eared + corsac = corsac bat fox
bat eared + tibetan = tibatan eared fox
bat eared + bengal = bengal eared fox
bat eared + grey = grey eared fox
bat eared + island = island bat fox
bat eared + cozumel = cozumel eared fox
bat eared + raccoon dog = tanuki bat fox
swift + kit = kift fox
swift + cape = swape fox
swift + pale = palewift fox
swift + ruppells = swuppells fox
swift + corsac = corswift fox
swift + tibetan = swibetan fox
swift + bengal = bengift fox
swift + grey = swey fox
swift + island = swisland fox
swift + cozumel = coswiftel fox
swift + raccoon dog = swiftcoon dog
kit + cape = kip fox
kit + pale = palekit fox
kit + ruppells = kittells fox
kit + corsac = kitsac fox
kit + tibetan = kitibetan fox
kit + bengal = bengalkit fox
kit + grey = krey fox
kit + island = kitland fox
kit + cozumel = kitzumel fox
kit + raccoon dog = tanukit
cape + pale = cale fox
cape + ruppells = capells fox
cape + corsac = corsape fox
cape + tibetan = capetan fox
cape + bengal = bencape fox
cape + grey = grey cape fox
cape + island = cape isle fox
cape + cozumel = capezumel fox
cape + raccoon dog = raccape dog
pale + ruppells = ruppales fox
pale + corsac = corsale fox
pale + tibetan = tibetale fox
pale + bengal = benpale fox
pale + grey = grale fox
pale + island = pale isle fox
pale + cozumel = palezumel fox
pale + raccoon dog = palecoon dog
ruppells + corsac = coppells fox
ruppells + tibetan = ruppetan fox
ruppells + bengal = ruppengal fox
ruppells + grey = ruppey fox
ruppells + island = ruppell isle fox
ruppells + cozumel = cozuppells fox
ruppells + raccoon dog = tanuppells fox
corsac + tibetan = corsetan fox
corsac + bengal = bencors fox
corsac + grey = greysac fox
corsac + island = corsand fox
corsac + cozumel = corsumac fox
corsac + raccoon dog = raccorsac fox
tibetan + bengal = tibengal fox
tibetan + grey = tibrey fox
tibetan + island = isletan fox
tibetan + cozumel = tibemel fox
tibetan + raccoon dog = tibetaccoon dog
bengal + grey = bengrey fox
bengal + island = bengal isle fox
bengal + cozumel = benzumal fox
bengal + raccoon dog = bengacoon dog
grey + island = grey isle fox
grey + cozumel = cozumey fox
grey + raccoon dog = greynuki
island + cozumel = cozumeland fox
island + raccoon dog = raccoon isle dog
cozumel + raccoon dog = tanumel fox

..hey you made it to the end! :D DUN DUN DUUUN!!

Please be nice when commenting! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that.
If you're gonna be mean, don't say anything at all
Thankies for checking out my post! Meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ

Name ideas for hybrid fox breeds

