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Success! Surgery update [detailed graphic version] by Malachyte

I'm back! What a wild ride.

This is more detailed update about my cat. If you're not fond of medical talk and gross things, check out this short n' tame version of the update.

As you all know, Jelly had his leg amputation surgery on Thursday, April 28th. And it was a total success! They were able to administer the anesthesia with no trouble from his heart murmur. He stayed at the clinic overnight, and I brought him home Friday morning. For two days, he required constant monitoring and attention, and to say it's been taxing is an understatement. He started out with three medications, 5 times a day; one pain killer (metacam), one opioid (buprenorphine), and one neuropathic pain reliever (gabapentin), all in liquid form. He's been great about taking 2 of them, but the gabapentin is one he just truly detests, and he drools a lot of it out. The stitches run about 1/2 of his body length on the left side, and are quite... gnarly. They're looking better now that the bruising is healing, though.

When I first brought him home, he was terrified, high on meds, and far too mobile for my liking. It took time for him to realize where he was and that he was safe. I sat on the bed just inches from him for hours while he blearily laid there. Sometimes he would snap awake and look around frantically until he saw me, then he would lay back down again. I kept his plastic cone off his head during the day when I could sit by him, but at night he had to wear it while I slept. It made him frantic. He would belly crawl around on and off for the entire night. I had my alarm set to go off every hour, so I could check that he wasn't hurt or stuck somewhere, and even then he would still crawl to me and stick his cone head onto my face until I woke up (which was very cute, but still exhausting). Overall, I slept a handful of hours those first three nights, and didn't even risk leaving him alone long enough to shower. I was tired, scared, relieved, and very smelly. I think I had a brief look into what it might be like to take care of a newborn baby, lol.

When Saturday evening came and he still hadn't eaten any food or drank any water, I got quite worried. He had until Sunday afternoon to eat something before it would be considered an emergency. Luckily, finally, he started to eat some wet food. I found I needed to smear it on my hands and bring it to him. A very stinky bonding experience. Sunday morning at 5am he finally used the litter box for the first time, and that turned into its own horrible ordeal. I use clay litter for his box, the kind that clumps to moisture, and it ended up clumping all over his backside and on his stitched area. I frantically called Stoker, who was thankfully awake, while I held Jelly's face away from licking himself and asked him to google what to do. After a lot of warm wash cloth soaking and patience, the litter was cleaned off; though the area was now irritated. I had a friend pick up non-clumping litter and a box with lower sides, and Jelly has been able to use the litter box safely since then. I was also able to have another friend order a cloth head cone using their speedy Prime shipping, and oh WOW has that made a difference. Jelly is much more comfortable, and even able to eat and drink in it, and he lets me sleep all the way until my alarms go off now.

As a result of that irritation to the stiches, it ended up opening the wound a bit at the base of his body and there was an increase in fluids (I'll leave the description at that). I scheduled a visit to the vet for just this morning, to make sure it wasn't infected, and to check some other minor issues such as his weeping right eye, and his lack of having pooped yet. I was really nervous about infection, not just because of the health implications but because I truly am tapped of all money. But fate smiled on me, and over the course of the night the site healed. The vet said it looks totally fine, and he's healing beautifully! The eye weeping is a simple case of allergies, as all the trees in my area are blooming like mad. She told me how to give him a feline-sized dose of claritin. As for poop, it's still in a normal time frame that he hasn't yet, so no need to worry for a bit still.

His stitches are scheduled to be removed on May 11th, and the cost of that was already included in the surgery funds~

He's now at a point where I can safely return to my desktop computer and resume working, though I need to check on him frequently, and take breaks to help him groom, feed him, and dispense medications. Not to mention making sure he's not stuck on something because of his cone of shame, ha ha ha.

I wish I knew how to fully express the plethora of feelings this whole thing has had me feeling. When he was first diagnosed with a cancerous mass, I thought it was over. When we finished the fundraiser and I saw that I could fund his surgery, I felt hope. When I took him in to the vet on the 28th, I felt a fear like no other. And when I first brought him home and had him safe in my arms, I felt love and relief that I can't describe. Even thinking about that moment now... it brings tears to my eyes. I know that one day Jelly and I will part, but I'm so, so happy that this is not that day. That he can live as much life as he deserves, and that we can continue our journey together.

If you have pets, please take a moment to really look at them, and show them a little extra love today, for me.

Bonus: a photo of the boy, snoozing like he deserves.

Success! Surgery update [detailed graphic version]


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    That sounds like a lot... glad he seems to be on the mend.