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What's on your filter? by Liko

One feature I really like a lot that I wish Fur Affinity would have is the filter feature. It removes things from your search results that you'd rather not see regardless of context. My only suggestion for an improvement is to also allow you to filter artists. Mostly 'cause there's a certain subject matter I like, and one artist who for lack of a better phrase "can't draw for shit" is spamming that key word. So I'm curious, what do you have on your list? There's no shame in admitting it as it's stuff you do NOT like.

I currently have blocked

  • scat
  • pony
  • ponies

What's on your filter?


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    nothing yet

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    Man, I have everything pregnancy related on there because I'm tokophobic (Phobia of pregnancy and childbirth)

    I mean, its serious enough that I've had to stop watching SERIES because one of the characters got pregnant... So I'm not taking any chances. I really love the filters, they're a life-saver! :D

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      Seems legit. I should probably add that to my list as well as I don't understand pregnancy as a fetish.

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        There are a lot of things in the fandom I don't understand... ._.

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    There are far more things than I wish on my filter, including stuff that's probably rare and just people mis-rating things, wonder if I can remove anything.

    I know there's one person spamming a certain keyword and their art isn't even related to that subject. I am pretty sure they're just an arsehole since they've been banned once already.

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      You can block that person and their art won't show up in your results.