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What is going on? by keirajo

Is this site experiencing "spookiness" or something? @_@

I just had 10 submissions overnight and only 2 of them were actually NEW. I remember Uluri mentioned that there had been a batch of their submissions that never gave notifications--and some of what was there was Uluri's. But I looked at the submissions I had from Temrin, too, and one was a repeat of one I've looked at (heck, commented and faved, too!) and then there was one NOT in my notifications, but I was able to see it by clicking the next thumbnail. Also stuff of Yoki's, which I saw Thursday I got new notifications for...............

If anyone's seeing this journal............have you noticed if there are still these issues with you guys, too?

It's kinda weird. I looked at the submissions and was thinking in my head--I've seen these before. I hadn't yet experienced this phenomenon, but I have now!

Uhhhh, happy Halloween then? XD

What is going on?


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  • Link

    i think that happened to me as well here and there on this site lately :P other times i just dont notice :P

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      It seems to be pretty strange. I do check daily on my phone and I clear out submissions after I look at everything. But it was odd to have something posted by an artist I follow that DIDN'T show up in my submissions, because I don't think Temrin marks anything as "don't generate notifications". I suppose it's the internet being weird???

  • Link

    I haven't experience any repeat submissions, but still getting a bunch of random "technical issues" pages :/

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      I've gotten a number of them today, but only when I'm on my laptop. I don't get the cloudflare message screen on my phone...........which is all sorts of bizarre. @_@

      • Link

        I've gotten it on my phone, but it's rare :o

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          The internet is broken somehow! We need a Rotom to fix it! XD

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    So, I was told that my problem (where submitting was giving a broken sort of post that both existed and didn't) that it was the Spam Filter for the site where the submission would need Approval first before it would show on the site.

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      It seems so very strange, but I suppose at some point a computer gets tired and only writes "half the message" for things and we get bizarre glitches like this. wry laugh I do look at Weasyl on my phone, even when I'm offline of my laptop (basically when I'm not at work for wi-fi), so I try to keep it all tidy--because on a tiny screen, a dozen submissions looks like "a lot". XD

      It was odd that all the repeat submissions were from you and Yoki and the one from Temrin I didn't get a notification for, but only saw by the "next" thumbnail on the work. I had a "Groundhog Day" moment there......... chuckle

      • Link

        OH, there might be another things, too. Collections! If any of us had artwork made for us, and requested it to be in our collections (or vice versa) and you were watching them, it will appear in their watcher's notifications as well. I've added two artworks for myself recently, and had some folks I drew for request recently for their collections box. Dunno if you are watching anyone I drew for lately, but if you were that would be the repeat submissions from what I can tell.

        I wonder if Temrin's submission was a rating level higher than what you are viewing. There's a small glitch with thumbnails I leanred that can still display Mature+ thumbs if you are in SFW mode.

        • Link

          Yeah—there are times when it’s the collections feature! I’ve even gotten notifications for my own artwork when friends add them to their collections! That always gives me a chuckle! XD

          I must’ve been experiencing just a bizarre glitch this morning, rather than the usual cloudflare error messages. I have NSFW turned on, even if I don’t look at everything people post with “red borders”. I so I generally see all of Temrin’s stuff. Maybe it was a string of weird coincidences confluences today—if it’s bizarre, it’ll happen to me! XD

          By the way, did you see the statement GameFreak put out that they’re “trying to keep much of” Sword/Shield “a secret”? They said they want the game to “be a surprise” for players. Even if that’s so.......why have we been drowned in Gigantamax information? I kinda want to know more of the single-player gameplay, even if they’re not showing new Pokémon. Because I’m worried it’s going to become more like “Let’s Go” rather than a traditional Pokémon game.