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Oh h e y ppl by sinisternoodles

‘Eyyyyy, I was gone for a little bit...? Not too long. I just wanted a break. But I’m back now! And TBH I missed this place SM. But yee, I’m back ‘n stuff.

Anywayyysss... how are you guys doin’?

Oh h e y ppl


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  • Link

    heya dude! glad to know you're doing better! I recently came back too

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      Thanks, m’dude! Glad you’re back too! ^^

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        ye! hoping to do lotsa art trades soon they're really fun! ^^

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          Ooh, yeah? Definitely! I live doin’ then sm!

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    Hiya There! Doing good just existing. Trying to figure out to get the "just existing" feeling to stop. I feel like I'm almost there. A breakthrough any day now. Aaaalmost. Anyways, I'm really excited for Spook Season. I want to draw a lot of different cute things and gore from here until Halloween. What are your plans for Spook Season?

    • Link

      Heyyoooo! Ah, that makes sense. Do you play instruments? I’ve found playing instruments and new songs usually make me feel something new. And a bit of achievement afterwards too!
      And spook season is best season. Good luck with that. I’m not sure? I’m hoping to just go to a fright fest thing with a friend though!

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    Wb and My life is is DEEP shambles!! Just fucking hate it...

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      Thanks! And oh noooo! I’m here if ya need to talk, I hope it gets better, dude.

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        It only got slightly better... I'm waiting for it to get a lot better, though...

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          Ah, well good luck with your battles. Continue to fight, the only failure is giving up-

  • Link

    welcome back! ^w^ I been doing alright! ..except I just found out I gained weight so I'm gonna try my best to be more healthy ;w; This means moar fruit, moar exercise! But less candy nuuooo.. ÓʌÒ;

    • Link

      Glad to hear it! And good luck! Make sure to stay healthy ‘n stuff. Maybe running around your neighborhood or park could help ya get energized!

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        I do like to dance :D I might try and dance more! also my mum's gonna try and take me to more places like volleyball and swimming so that's gonna be fun! I'm also still super lonely irl but I think mum's gonna introduce me to an acquaintance to try and be friends! I'm so glad mum is finally taking action for once ^w^

    • Link

      Im gonna junmp in. Also remwmber that weight doesnt only mean fat, and that clothes, when you ate last, and bodily waste can add or lose quite a few pounds daily and would be normal. its also muscles, clothes, fat, bones, what you just ate, and whats digesting. If you do muscle training you might not see a change in lightening your weight as youd be growing muscles while losing fat. And if you are someone still growing you will gain more weight as your body still grows. overall, general excersise like a walk to use what youve eaten is good. I suggest walks and yoga. Both mundain things you dont need tools for the excersies.

      • Link

        ohh okay, thanks for the info! :3 sorry for short message, it's midnight here and I should really go to bed ^-^;

  • Link

    Aww yay welcome back! I'm doing pretty good, signed up for an art club thing today!

    • Link

      Thanks! And ooh! Sounds like fun. Good luck! ^^