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Possible graphic story project on the horizon... by Sparkyopteryx

I can thank a brief conversation with Hraefn on FA in regards to this submission for making me consider such a thing as more than just a far away thought. Comic books and graphic novels have been a heavy artistic influence for me over the years and I've always had that dream of attempting one myself.

The story and dialogue have already been written or is in the process of being written: it will be pulled from a Shadowrun campaign that my other half Mister%20Midnight and a long time friend of ours is running. It will be featuring our mobster characters Molly and Foley O'Doul and my friend's disguise extraordinaire character Jason Vanner. I'm using our SR sessions because it has compelling characters, a great plot and provides an excellent and evocative backdrop for a graphic novel. It also gives me a great opportunity for a "practice run" so to speak before I eventually undertake more personal storylines in the future. Most all of the situations and dialogue will be unadulterated and taken straight from the gaming sessions themselves. If anything this is yet another collaborative effort by myself and the partner, seeing how he is GM and therefore is the writer (as well as being the player running Foley). Go figure.

I fully expect this to be a massive undertaking, I also fully expect that it might not be popular. The first pages may look very unpolished and (very) amateurish compared to the eventual ending; this eventuality I will have to take in stride as part of the learning process, and that is what this project is about: to learn. I can't learn how to do page layout, story boards and all that jazz without getting burned and frustrated here and there.

What does this mean for my watchers? Well, it depends. If you are interested in seeing this, well then it will probably be quite interesting to watch my emerging design process as well as seeing these characters in action finally. For those that are not? I'll still be doing my commissions and other personal art on the side, so fear not.

Just wanted to give my friends and watchers a heads-up on the up-and-coming art endeavors I'll be taking up. Wish me luck and all the support you're willing to give (I'll need it)!

Best regards to everyone,


Possible graphic story project on the horizon...


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    My support for you is runnin' on all six, babe.