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Gonna upload scraps more often now by jechoes90

So, I've been pretty insecure about my infrequent upload count lately. I'm thinking that I'd be much more at ease if I uploaded a few scraps every couple of days, both story synopses and visual sketches. I feel like I ought to assure my subscribers that I am working, it just takes a while for me to get a picture shaded, or even reasonably revised.

That's to say nothing of my writing. I've started meditating lately, and I want to move to a place where I can confidently say I'm not rushing to get things put up. I wasn't really all that invested in the last few stories I put up, or even the frog thing. I feel a little guilty that I didn't spend more time on it.

Now... the "be yourself" cliche comes to mind... while I do think it's generally vague and hackneyed advice to "just be yourself," I do value sincerity, and one of the things I sincerely feel is that I think I would be much more satisfied if I uploaded regularly the things I have to show rather than trying to perfect something every other week.

That being said, I'll be posting more in the scraps this year, both drawn and written work. Critiques and feedback is still desirable, I just like for people to know I'm not gone for good.

Gonna upload scraps more often now


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    Working on things you are comfortable with at the pace most comfortable to you is what I like seeing from artists. Ah, I'm a random journal wanderer though, who's just happened across your journal. I'm not much of a story reader. TuT I wish your STories well, and hope you to find what you are comfy with.

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      Thanks. I will be uploading drawings too, its just that my priorities are set on a novel ive wanted to write for more than 5 years now.