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Songs to read to by foxboyprower

I'm not much of a music person, but I'm developing an interest for instrumental music. Instrumental music does a great job of bringing about an emotion in people. Stories (ideally) do the same thing. In certain places in a story I'm writing, I'll tinker with the words very carefully to try provoking a certain emotion from the reader. Reading is also an activity that requires focus. I have found that music seems to help me focus when reading. It occurred to me that these two qualities of music and books could be combined.

If a story segment and a piece of music elicit the same emotion, wouldn't that piece of music be a great way to augment that same emotion the story is trying to express? That would be great.

Now I'd like to point out that I don't consider myself to be very good at writing. My choice of words are often chosen to fit what clear idea I have in my head. Emotion isn't something I'm good at forming or expressing in my writing. It would be nice to be able to recommend some background music for my readers to listen to while reading as compensation.

It's not just my stories to which I would enjoy seeing this applied. I think it would be great if all stories had recommended music for them. Could be a good idea for a website.

Songs to read to


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  • Link

    That does sound like a good idea. I myself have found that some music when paired with reading, of course it all depends on the book and music, can really make the visualization of what you read stronger, thus making the book more intriguing.

    • Link

      Yeah. I really need to learn how to code and program. =/

      • Link

        Heh, lemme know when you figure it out then

  • Link

    That would be really cool to have in a 'reader' type app or program. As you scroll along the music would change to fit the mood of the point of the story that you have on screen.

    • Link

      Yeah that would be really cool... sounds like a program/app this website would distribute as well. So many projects I don't have the skills to do. DX

      • Link

        I know that dilemma all too well.

        • Link

          To solve that problem I just list all the projects I want to do someday. It helps me settle them from my mind. Hopefully someday I'll invent a time bubble and discover my back catalog of ideas.