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Back from MFF! by Zaezar

Howdy! I have returned. Well, I actually got back last night. Today was all getting back in order and recovering from the con as a whole. Did you know that it beat the record for largest convention this year? And is the first furry con to get over 10k attendees? That's WILD to think about!
I won't do a whole breakdown of the convention, as I feel it will be better suited to be told in my streams randomly over the next few weeks as I recall things. Though I learned a couple of new interesting things while at the convention. For starters, people seemed to really like my mead I was giving out! Made me feel pretty dang nice that my homebrew was popular enough to get people to ask for a second bottle! Definitely excited to make more for next year. Though I still have some bottles to get rid of right now. Another time, another way. Otherwise the other coolest thing I found out is that people REALLY liked pinatas. I had all my prints on display when I got an Artist Alley table, and the Party print is easily what caught people's attention more than anything else. In fact, I am going to be opening up another round of Pinata specials later tonight as I would LOVE to get back into the swing of things with some of those~

In the streaming pipeline I hope to finish the Pokemon TCG videogame fanart, paint and distress a Destiny Ghost statue that I have, and get in a Destiny stream sometime working on the Mountaintop questline on PS4. Hope to see you around! Plenty of cool stuffs happening.

How was your weekend? Did you go to MFF? How was your time? What about if you didn't go, whats been going on in your life?

Back from MFF!


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    I'm glad to hear you had a great time! Going to some kind of furry convention is probably at the top of my list of things to do before I die. It's awesome that so many people who have one thing in common have built an amazing community like this, heck! With all the furry slang we could probably make our own language!

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      There was jokes at the con that we could take over the city if we wanted to lol.

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    I hope to be able to go eventually! But it sounds like you and Mao and one of my co-workers' adult son who went had a great time! :)