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Conventions and Casting News by WinterSoul

Conventions/Festivities for 2013

Now for a quick heads up as to where I have plans to deal this year. DCC is a new one for me, and only about a month away. RMFC is of course a must, I'm looking forward to seeing familiar faces there! DPP is a bit up in the air since it's just a one day event and usually I just go to have fun. But I'd love to share my art with the community, plus it would be neat to bring my brother and sister-in-law's wood working along. I'll of course post a reminder when it's closer to the actual days. In the meantime, here are some links and dates, it would be great to see people stop by and say hi!

Denver Comic Con May 31 - June 2

Rocky Mountain Fur Con August 2-4

Denver Pagan Pride October 12


2013 casting has begun! I don't want to say too much right now about what's coming up, especially since (as usual) I gave myself a scary, rough task that may or may not work out. I can say, however, that I've re-done the cat mold to take clear marbles and it mostly worked out, yay! I'd like to do more testing and get casting done for DCC before I open this mold up for private customs, hope to have more good news soon!

Conventions and Casting News


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    I'm so stoked for you to debut your new casting stuff! Thanks so much for the update, very excited for you and your work. =)