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Giving Myself Homework by Malachyte

So time goes really, really fast. Things I want to do, especially larger projects that require working on for more than one sitting, keep getting pushed into "some day" rather than this day.

Therefore, I'm going to try making a weekly planner, and giving myself assignments as if I were back in school. I've tried this before, but gave myself way too many things to do each day, and if I missed one thing, it upset my whole week because my scheduling was so tight. This time around, it's going to be a much more general schedule, and I'm not going to plan every hour of my free time, so I don't freak if I miss something.

I'm looking forward to seeing if this leads to greater productivity, especially when it comes to drawing. I read somewhere a while back about setting a timer for yourself, and drawing for 10 minutes. Then, if it's not happening, take a break and try again in a little bit. This way at least you've tried, but you haven't frustrated yourself into forcing a drawing, and ending up with something you'll just erase anyway.

I think the biggest thing that will help me be more active with my art (as well as working out more often) is not sitting still when I get home from work. When I get home, all I want to do is sleep so, so badly. If I sit and browse the internet or read a book, I fall asleep or waste hours being barely conscious. But the days that I went straight into a task (cleaning, yoga, workout), I was more awake after, and felt more motivated to do something productive.

Sorry if this is boring, it'd just been so long since I thought of anything to talk about in a journal, so I thought I'd share this :p

I plan on posting a journal on Wednesday with some updates about art commissions and prints. I'm going to try a Your Character Here auction to scrounge up some funds for my student loans, and then I'll be holding a vote on what pictures you all would like to see made into purchasable prints :D

Thanks for sticking with me, my lovely watchers. I hope to have some real good stuff to show soon!

Giving Myself Homework


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    Good luck! I hope it leads to favorable results!