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Prepare NOW for christmas! by Schiraki

Prepare NOW for Christmas!

"Whaaaat? But it's just October! "You will say. "Just because the stores are selling gingerbread now, you do not have to start so early, Schiraki!" You will say.

But reassure your breasts, all together, there is a reason why I bother you with it now. ;)

A picture with the partner, or of a beloved pet, is a great and very personal Christmas present. But: It does not pop up overnight.

When you commission a picture, the time passes until the bank transfer is gone through, you are the next on the list, the picture is painted and so on.
One or two months can pass, depending on how big your wish is.

And now imagine that all people at the same time order their Christmas gifts at the beginning of December. ;)
This means nightshifts for me and fingernail chewing for you, because I can not guarantee that I will be finished in time.

Therefore have a heart for artists!
Order your Christmas pictures as early as possible!

I can now guarantee to everyone now that I would be ready in time. :)

Thank you very much for your attention. ^^

PS: You cand find my prices and conditions here:

Prepare NOW for christmas!


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    Yes, never leave things to the last minute! Artists under that kind of stress even worry and it can bleed into their work--turn in commissions early so artists can do the very best work that they can do with no pressure! :)

    Actually, it gets hard to find gingerbread around here once stores start selling it.............I have to wonder if someone raids all the stores, buys it all, and hides it in their pantry so no one else can have any.................

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      I could burry you under tons of gingerbread here. XD Its not even cold outside and they are selling christmas stuff at the stores.

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        I think a lot of our stores started selling Christmas stuff last month--even though Halloween's not over yet! XD