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Birthday blues by FeyPhoenix

So I have been being somewhat active on Twitter recently, and just occasionally venting there about things. Feels good to get it out sometimes, ya know?

Well yesterday, I made a random tweet about wanting to commission something for myself for my birthday, and realized it was probably too late to get it on/before my birthday now. That was okay, it was more of a passing fancy. I know I probably won't get anything, which is fine since I often forget birthdays until it's too late for other people, too.

I mean, I (not so much now that I'm saying something about it) secretly hope that I'll get a surprise gift from someone, but I know it's unlikely (and I have never got them anything on their birthdays, so why would they do that for me? XD). Aside from occasionally getting something I specifically told my dad I want, I don't usually get anything. It's been this way for most of my adult life. Which is fine, really. I was somewhat spoiled as a child when it came to birthdays and Christmas because my parents (my father, really) wanted us kids to grow up feeling like these days were important and fun. Despite being in a "broken home".

Anyway, getting off topic there...

When an artist friend of mine saw my post about wanting a commission for my birthday, they asked what I wanted, which I responded with a soft decline, because I knew they already had a lot going on and I didn't want to further burden them lol. But I didn't really know what I wanted either, so I started thinking about it and had a lot of cute ideas pop into my head. But then those ideas started turning dark.

At first it was a bunch of my characters eating cake, popping out from a cake, generally hanging out and having a good time. And then it was like... All of them hugging me. And a single thought derailed the otherwise pleasant fantasy: "all my friends here to celebrate with me!"

It was a really nice thought, but my brain did a fancy movie transition to me, alone in a black void, hugging myself and crying, repeating to myself "all of my friends are in my head, they don't even exist" which is one. Of the most. Terrible triggers of my "disconnected" feelings.

I could be in a room full of actual friends and family in the flesh and I still get this feeling sometimes. I've been referring to it as dysphoria more recently because it seems to fit the bill, but the best way I can describe it is like that.

Disconnected from the world, like I'm staring through a mirror at a life that isn't mine, and when I try to reach out and physically touch someone to "ground" or "anchor" myself back in reality, everyone is out of reach, and I struggle to get closer, but a dark riptide pulls me out farther and farther the harder I try to get back.

It just kinda. Fucks me up and it starts a bad cycle of depression. This happens to me a few times a year at least, but it seems to be pretty consistent around my birthday the last few years. L like a waking nightmare.

I hate it

Birthday blues


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    That sounds a lot like dissociation and it can be connected to dyshphoria, depression, anxiety, and a whole whack of things. It's commonly described as being out of your own body, or seeing things through a window or mirror. Grounding exercises can help combat those feelings, things that anchor you in reality. Breathing exercises, using all five senses, eating a favorite food or drinking your favoeite tea and savoring it, lighting a favorite candle or incense, rubbing ice over your wrist and face, taking a warm bath, watch your favorite movie, listen to your favorite music... just remind your brain where you are and what you're doing and distract it from those intrusive, derailing thoughts.

    -hugs- I'm sorry you're feeling down. We could play some HotS or OW soon (I'm unfortunately busy with appointments all day today x_x), just hmu! And feel free to message me on Discord. I know what dysphoria, depression, and dissociation is like and you can vent without judgement from me <3

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      Thanks <3 it's okay about yesterday. I ended up sleepless Wednesday night and just immediately crashed last night as soon as I got home from being a zombie. I mean "work" :B

      Dissociation sounds about right. I think I had used the word when trying to talk about it before as well. Thanks for the tips, too. I'll try to remember that next time I feel that way. I think I subconsciously knew about some of them, or just kinda automatically used those strategies without "knowing" specifically. Because I tended to listen to my favorite music when got like that before. Just haven't really been listening to much music recently so I didn't think about it

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    offers virtual hugs