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Gonna start my comic bit still got a issue to solve. by Kinaj

The coming week, probably tomorrow already I am going to seriously start working on my Alex comic. But there still is one issue I got to solve.
What to do with brands? In the past I've treated that differently. With computers and laptops for example I just drew a random ones and and have them brand names that were changed versions of the actual name (Asus -> Pansus or so). With cars for example I changed nothing and drew the actual car.
With stuff like computers I don't really care, I don't mind altering those from the reality, with cars however (And I would have to involve them) I have more of a problem there. Also I would like to have it all consistent there.
So what to do?
Create my own products/gadgets/cars?
Alter all but cars and draw the actual stuff with them?
Draw the actual stuff for everything?
Draw the actual stuff but just change the names or so?

Dunno how stupid and petty this seems to others, but I am breaking my brain with that x3
So some help with the decision would be great :D

Gonna start my comic bit still got a issue to solve.


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    while it would ultimatly lead to more work for you in the end, you might go for the "create your own" path. that way you can have control of the entire world and craft it however you see fit without having to stick to what we have in meatspace. want flying cars, done and done, want cars with tank treads, there ya go, want people to have glove of tricks like in swatt katz, all the better. <3

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      Usually I would agree to you and I have a couple of settings where I follow this, but this certain setting, Alex' universe, is basically the real live but with furry characters so I wanna keep it as close to it as possible. Even did a hell lot of research to get the structure and stuff of the police right. Hopefully I succeeded there.

      • Link

        ah, well, in that case, should just use real life stuff, if you're worried about someone getting pissy and trying to sue you change it just enough to keep yourself safe :D

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          Yeah, gonna do that probably. Kinda like the people from GTA.

          • Link

            sounds like a plan, can't wait to see the end results <3