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Thank you for your Patience by INKtiger

Hey guys,
First of all I want to thank everyone who grabbed a wing-it commission from me or any kind of commission this month, I really appreciate it. This has been a very difficult month for me with many emotional things that have happened and recently it's only taken a turn for the more difficult.
Namely my cat, who I love to death, has gotten sick and it's cancer. there isn't much I can do for her except love the stuffing out of her and try to make her comfortable. On top of that I have gotten sick myself and I'm doing my best to deal with it all.
I'm working as much and as hard as I can, but unfortunately it is much slower than my usual pace. I'll have your pieces done and out to you as soon as I can as well as keep up with my posting schedule to this site and all my others.
Have a happy thanksgiving everyone and please be safe this holiday.


Thank you for your Patience


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    I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope you get well soon, and I'm sure your cat appreciates the attention while she's hurting. Hang in there.

  • Link

    Aw, I'm sure anyone who's got a commission in the works will understand. I hope your health improves, and I hope your cat is comfortable and happy while everything takes its course. Don't push too hard, and take care of yourself and your cat both; That's all anyone can ask for right now.

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    Offers hugs