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Updates! (Birthday, Price changes, Computer issues) by PieMan24601

Hello everyone! A couple major things have come up recently, and I need to update you all with information on whats going on.

First off: It's my birthday today! That's... really all I can say there. I'm 21 now, but it doesn't really feel any different or special so far.

Second: Because I'm 21 now, my bills have gone up. I live with my father right now, and I don't have to pay rent, just my phone bills and car insurance and such. I was paying only a few of these costs before, but now as a fucking wonderful birthday present my father has decided to basically double my bills. So as a result, my prices have to be altered to compensate. Not only do i have to alter prices to pay bills, but i have to make a better price sheet. The current one is okay, but I completely messed up on some things like comic prices and more. I'm going to be making an extremely in depth one next that will be much easier to read and will be much better and more fair with prices. I'll also be making a price sheet for sprites as that seems to be something people really want to commission from me. I might have to make an actual patreon soon as well.

Third: My PC is dying and its dying fast. I have to replace it very very soon. Thankfully, I acquired the funds to purchase a new PC and I'll be doing that asap. A big downside of this will be that I wont have a video editing program, so my youtube channel will basically be dead until i can purchase a new program. This sucks, but honestly it's probably best as it'll force me to focus on art and game development.

so yeah just thought i'd keep you all in the loop of what's going on.

If you want to be even more in the loop, you can follow my twitter, i use it a lot.

Updates! (Birthday, Price changes, Computer issues)


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  • Link

    Happy birthday! Sorry to hear about the phone bills and your computer beginning to die; might throw a commish your way sometime to help with the former, and glad to hear you've got the funds for the latter, though.

    • Link

      Than you! I appreciate it