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Good news and bad news, as of 7/30/2016 by PrivateDoomsday

The bad news right now? I recently bought a new hard drive, (for modding my Wii, so I can play legally owned games on it, without having to use the disk tray, which doesn't seem to work too well, anymore) and I'm currently missing some required plugs, to play games, for the Wii! (The hard drive however, DEFINITELY isn't bad news.)

The good news is, I've gotten a LOT better, recently! I also got a new hard drive, for when I mod my Wii, using discs I already own.

Also, I'm working on modgepodge paintings, with scrapwood involved! (Which, for each one that is done, I shall reveal it to the web, as little crafts I'm doing, of which I will either keep, give to someone that lives at my house, or sell it, at a big outdoor sale event.)

Finally, before I get ready for bed, I must ask you, the watchers, a simple question; which kind of animal is your favorite?

Update, from 7/31/2016:

If you want to compete in a raffle, now's your chance; for more information, check here:

Update, from 8/1/2016:

I just found some old sketches of mine, from the past, and I shall soon upload them, onto both Weasyl AND FurAffinity.

Good news and bad news, as of 7/30/2016


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    I love wolves. :)

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    Snakes or gators...

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      Snakes are notably clever and sometimes sneaky; that's when their instinct TELLS them when to strike, at their prey!

      Gators may be big and scary lizard-like creatures, but they're also STRONG, when it comes to muscle!

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      But I can agree, that gators, can look kinda cute!

      But when the gators are babies, they look absolutely ADORABLE!