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Apologies for my relative quietude. by Sparkyopteryx

This page isn't dead, I'm still around! Honest! I've just been working uncharacteristically slow and getting long-standing extant commissions done. I haven't had much to post, mainly because all personal and commission projects have been in progress stages, which generally only ever get posted on my Tumblr or Twitter instead these days.

I would however like to open for some commissions again in a few weeks once I get these bigger projects done and finished finally. I hope everyone's summer has been productive and (relatively) bearable. Myself? It's been alright temperature-wise but hey I spoke too soon, we're starting to truly get hit with heat so that will surely make me even slower. Working, keeping the nose to the art table as much as I can.

There are also some important personal stuff that is going on in my life at the moment but I'm...really not in the kind of mindset to talk about it at the moment. Maybe when I'm in a mood more conducive to sharing I'll talk about myself a little, aha. Just a little though.

Apologies for my relative quietude.


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    Hey, life takes precedence, for good or bad. And it gives me, er, I mean us something to look forward to. :)

    I sympathize on the heat, I'm stuck in the sweaty armpit of Satan known as eastern Texas, and I'm debating seeing if I can fit myself into an AC vent. x.x I hope it remains bearable for you at least, heat just saps the energy to do anything.

    As for the personal stuff, whatever it is, I hope it goes ends up on the better side for you. snaps off a sloppy salute