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Right, this has to be said. by Marwan

"Me, we." That was the immortal quote by Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest boxers ever lived, who recently passed away around two weeks back. Americans mourn for the loss of one of the most influential men in America.

But then, just mere days later, the Orlando nightclub shooting happened. Some guy had the bright idea to kill a bunch of gay people just because of their sexual orientation.

Here's the thing: Muhammad Ali was a Muslim. That killer is also a Muslim. Now, suddenly, America went full-on Islamophobia again. It's like 9/11 all over again. =_=

I just want to make it clear that I respect LGBT rights, and I will not question one's sexual orientation. That massacre was a tragedy that should never have happened.

Plus, this is all happening during the Islamic month of Ramadan, which only made it worse. I mean, c'mon! >_< Ramadan is the month when Muslims are supposed to increase their faith, their prayers and such, not go out killing innocent people for their sexual orientation.

Well, this has been a huge mess, and it'll only make Mr. You're Fired a president closer to reality. Once he's made president, Muslims like us could no longer set foot on America. Anymore. =_= Well, I consider myself to be lucky to have at least visited America when I was around 12, when Bill Clinton was president, and the WTC towers were still standing proud. I miss Disneyland, I miss Universal Studios, etc.. Even that Terminator 2: Judgment Day pinball table, the last pinball table I've actually physically touched and played.

Anyway, a little unrelated, but yesterday, my mother's phone was stolen while she was having Taraweeh prayers with my father at a local prayer hall. And yes, again, happening during Ramadan. =_= It is unknown if we'll ever get it back, but in the meantime, my father had called the tech support to have the phone deactivated.

Right, this has to be said.


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    ISIS has declared Ramadan to be a month of bloodshed and violence so as to reaffirm their faith. I know of at least 9 acts of terror (all but three of them have been stopped) but that doesn't deter those animals from perverting islam and besmirching peace for bloody conquest at the expense of all muslims.

    if there was a way to wish evil out of existence, it would negate the free will we have... it is soo unfortunate that some would use their free will to cause pain and death to others

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      ISIS is one helluva fucked-up Islamic group. So much so, that Malaysia declared ISIS to be a terrorist group, and rightfully so. This is a huge deal, because normally, Malaysia would turn a blind eye when it comes to terrorism committed by Muslims. After all, being an Islamic country, my country is reluctant to depict anything that puts Islam in a negative light. I think the reason why we're able to classify ISIS as a terrorist group is because we determined ISIS to not be a true representation of Islam.

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        I've tried to wrap my head around the idea of 'kill everyone you disagree with' and it only works in fps games, and comment sections of FB

        I guess it takes a special kind of stupid to fall for terrorist propoganda

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    One thing I've noticed in all the crap that's been going on since 9/11, is that everyone's focus is on what they hate or what they fear, and people are always angry and/or afraid. I've been doing some reading online and have found that people who are constantly focusing on what they don't want in their lives tend to have those things in their lives far more often than they would if they thought about things they love. I've also noticed that angry and/or fearful people are far more easy to manipulate than people who aren't in such a constant state of duress.

    Personally, I think all this stuff is being orchestrated. By whom or for what purpose I can only speculate. However, I think that given America's part in the Cold War and our collective paranoia during those years, I think it's safe to say that the people who profited from Cold War paranoia are likely also profiting from anti-Muslim paranoia in this day and age. Essentially, to a lot of Americans, I believe that Islam has become the new Soviet Union, a new "evil enemy" to fear.

    But I also would suggest (and contrary to things I've said in the past) that the only way to defeat this insidious behavior is to concentrate on what you love and what you want in life, not on what you hate and fear. It's a tough job, I know, because I've been doing my best to do that for several years and it's hard when you're surrounded by people who want you to be a part of the pity party, but I truly do believe it is the only way to defeat this mentality.

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      Evil Empire*

      Sorry for putting this into a separate post, but I couldn't edit my original one.

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      It is indeed going to be difficult. =/

      I'm not sure if all of these are orchestrated, but I don't want to be taken by any conspiracy theories coming from all these. However, it's true that America had gone through the paranoia of past wars. So America is right to worry about this new threat carried out by Muslim terrorists.

      Unfortunately, that also means that innocent Muslims like me will also be affected as well.

      It's difficult to convince everyone that Islam is a religion of peace, because these terrorists carry out their attacks in the name of Islam. And they show up in the Western media far more often. Plus, there are indeed sects of Islam that condone violence and hatred against the "kufrs" (non-believers, infidels), which had become the "default" ideology of Islam as seen by many Western eyes.

      An example to see what I mean is this Arabic phrase: "Allahu akbar." It literally means "God is great" and is uttered by Muslims everywhere to affirm their faith, but these days, it has turned into an ugly swear word among Westerners to deliberately trigger one's Islamophobia. Now it's a stereotype symbol of jihadism and martyrdom.

      And yeah, that last paragraph you've said, that is what I've been trying to do all these while as well. I mean, there's a good reason why I have a cute little green critter as my fursona. I want to spread the love and joy of life. I want people to see me for who I am, not for my religion. A lot of stuff I do are even something Muslims would normally not do, and I have a diverse set of interests that are far more interesting than going out killing innocent people just because they don't believe in Islam.