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Ask Me Anything: weasyl edition by FayV

Ask me anything guys and gals

Ask Me Anything: weasyl edition


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    Oh oh I love these :D Have alot to ask so be prepared >D

    1. How is it to like admin this site ?

    2. How old is your suit ?

    3. How old are you ?

    4. Are you a boy or a girl (Prof Oak made me ask this)

    5. What is your fav food ?

    6. What is ur fav thing to do in suit ?

    7. Where do u live ?

    8. Do you like snow ?

    9. Do you have any pets ?

    10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfreind/ fiance/ husband/ wife ?

    11. Did you watch the SOcar nomination cermony this year ?

    12. Do you like games ?

    13. Do you work/ go to any school ?

    14. How much did your suit cost ? (Dun need to answer that if you want to keep it private : P )

    15. What is your favourite animal(s)

    16. What made u a furry ?

    17. Why did you want a suit from onefurall ?

    18. What made you chose your fursona ?

    19. Have u ever been drunk ?

    20. If u ever met me what would you do ? :D

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      1. Busy mostly, but the staff are incredibly friendly and quite dependable. The users are also very friendly and quite happy, which is always nice.

      2. Fay suit is about 2 years or so now. I think she's going on 2

      3.I'm 23


      5.Cottage Pie

      1. I like when I go out and volunteer with kids.


      8.I like snow for about 2 or 3 days. Then I hate it and wish it would just go the hell away.

      1. At the moment no. I used to but I can't have pets where I live currently.

      2. Not really no. I have a chap I'm interested in, but we'll see how that goes.

      11.Nope. I don't have cable and in general don't care for such things. I heard it was funny though.

      1. I adore games. all sorts of games

      13.Both. I'm working on my first Master's degree and I'm working as a GRA, which is basically the academic version of an intern, except better, depending on the department you work for. My department is awesome and treats me like a human being.They also want to make sure that I'm able to use my brain.

      1. My general reply to this is "an arm and a leg" which makes it difficult because the suit then costs slightly less due to the now absent limbs. ah well.

      15.Foxes, Owls, Cats, and Archeopteryx

      1. Nothing it particular made me a furry. I always like anthropomorphic things. when I was younger I loved Beatrix Potter and Roald Dahl. I later learned about the fandom and in general like the friends I've made.

      17.When I first started learning about the fandom I was fascinated by suiting. I saw some Onefurall work, particularly Foxfur, and I just adored it. It was exactly what I wanted out of a suit.

      1. I like foxes in terms of literature. They've always had this odd placement between hero and villain and that's what I liked to represent myself with. Something that isn't really good or evil. Something that can be wise or make the dumbest of mistakes. It seemed realistic to me.

        That was before I knew about the fandom and how Foxes were just dumb sluts within the fandom...such a pity.

        For Fay's markings, she's based on playing card fortunes. The five of diamonds.

        There's a lot of different meanings but basically the idea is change. In playing cards in general it means that things are going to change for the better, with tarot, the equivalent is the 5 of cups, which is a card of loss, but also means that things will get better (darkest before dawn thing)

        Which is a rather important message that I like to keep close.

      2. Yes, yes I have.

      20.say hello I suppose. depends on the circumstance.

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        I love fursuits that have a story or some creative thought behind them. The fact yours is based on the 5 card is cool! Hope you see you at a con sometime, would love to get a better up close look at your fursuit. The pattern work is awesome!

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    What would you do with one million dollars

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      pay off my bills, buy a couple fursuits, invest.

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    For my number 8.

    Try 6 months........ Yeah =__=

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      Montana ;p. I like it for 3 days and deal with it on a minimum of 9 months

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    1. U have no arm or leg ? (I'm really thick ok so I dun get the meaning all the time if people tell me something : / )
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      It's an saying. Saying something costs an arm and a leg means it is expensive. I just tease that it would make it cost less because then I would be missing said limbs.

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    why is your art adorable >:c

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      I sold my soul to the adoradevil

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    You've planned a dinner date with Sherlock Holmes and David Tennant on the same day. Ignoring that Holmes is a fictional character, which one dinner do you show up to?

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      Tennant. Sherlock Holmes was a sexist, racist asshole even for his own time.

      however if it were watson I'm not sure what i'd do...

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    there is a fur con this august here in colorado. will you be there?


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      Probably not. I can't afford many cons. I've already done FC and I will be at AC

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    For 15. it is a good selection of animals there which I also share a love for. And for 18. I am really glad to see some fox pride here, so many times have I seen people change fursonas or characters because of fandom labels.

    I also wanted to ask, since you are an admin I was wondering if there is any small things I could do to support Weasyl? I've only been registered a short time and not very many uploads, but I already love it to death and I want to support Weasyl and the team behind it in anyway I can.

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      Woof, well there is a question.

      In all honesty it really helps us when people just take the time to report the violations they see. I'm not asking everyone to just browse every hour of every day hunting down the odd item, but just taking the time to hit the report button if you do see something.

      Tagging things you see that need to be made a little more accurate.

      There's also just networking. We appreciate it when our users tell others about the stuff they enjoy. Not to say we want white knights, but just spreading what you enjoy and might like others to know, enough can't be said for word of mouth.

      We also have ferret positions and mod stuff for when they come up, if you're looking to join staff, but that is a ways off yet.

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        Easy to follow, I like it! ;P

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    Chocolate or strawberry ? :3

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    Wow! guess I learned something new tonight :)