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No longer have a DeviantArt Page by ACDragon

In my attempts to get my username properly changed over on all my sites, I found that DeviantArt has a paywall in the form of a "core membership" that is required before you can change your username. No biggie, I thought. I'll just go make a second account using the proper name and add my watchlist from the old one onto the new one.

But nope, I added too many people to my watchlist in a short period of time, and that's a bad thing. And of course they don't tell you how long you have to wait before you can add more watches. Nope, you just have to wonder about it.

This, combined with all the problems I've had navigating the site (because dA is oh, so special that among other things they get to basically override your default browser settings which means if you want to open an image in a new tab with ctrl+left click, well too fucking bad for you, you have to right-click and choose from a menu despite how literally every other site on the Internet allows the ctrl+left click option without complaint), have made me so frustrated with DeviantArt that I'm no longer willing to deal with their bullshit, and I've decided to delete both accounts there.

So I'm done with DeviantArt, just like I'm done with FurAffinity. God, I hate leaving multiple sites because of maintenance issues, but in all honesty dA's problems feel more like the staff is using their changes to troll their users, where FA's is just plain laziness. :/

No longer have a DeviantArt Page


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    Laziness with a dash of serious security risks. Sorry you're having such problems with DA. At least Weasyl's community is growing to something halfway stable, if only because of everyone joining in the mass exodus from FA.

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    No wonder your DA usernames -- both of them -- have a slash on them, indicating a deactivated account. O_O At first, I thought that you were banned or something, so I checked... Found this journal.

    And yeah, DA's been rather shit these days. =/ Who can forget the massive backlash when DA changed their logo from the one we've always been familiar with? That, and other problems that make browsing that website a clunky experience. I hate how DA deliberately makes life difficult for non-subscribers to browse that site.

    By the way, on Weasyl, I'm mostly a lurker of sorts. I'm hardly active here, except to check on my friends' newest submissions, and friends who only have Weasyl. This account was created primarily to keep following my favorite former FA artists who have left Fur Affinity for various reasons.

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      I appreciate the comment. Thank you.

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        You're welcome. =3