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Lots of Journal Posts in One! by Ryngs

TFF 2016:
Went to TFF last week... More like drug kicking a screaming out of the safety of my hole. I had so many excuses for why I should not have gone. Most turned out to be unfounded, and the others worked them self out. I am glad I went, I NEEDED it. It was an amazing Con, had a few truly AMAZING personal experiences as an artist, and my complaints were few.

I WILL be back next year, and better prepared to offer my art and items that I have made for sale. I may well make it the one Con I plan for (as a Dealer and Artist) from now on. I may even offer to run a panel or two, and I am tempted to take over the Brony Dance Party (Dolly Parton, is NOT okay music for any dance, I don't care how Earth Pony you are)...

I did take a few badge commissions. In my overwhelmed state sense I forgot to get two of the customers contact info (they have mine). So, I hope you guys that commissioned me e-mail me (with a copy of the receipt or at least the receipt number), so I can get you in my ledger.

My next “Definite” convention is MFM 2016 (Great Con, btw), and I will try and make plans for MFF, but that one is always difficult for me to afford (being right before Christmas, and as my urge to hibernate/seasonal melancholy begins to set in.).

This, the Year of 2016:
This is a post I should have made at New Years, but being all fucked in the head - as I was it - never happened. I declare that I will get all my debts, and art due (commissions as well as all the “Favors” I traded for art which I still owe from 2015), and promises that I have made in 2015 (and I made a lot of them, maybe to many) will be fulfilled before this years end!

That was my Resolution. In addition, I never made a “Lent” post, which was going to be more of the same, but I was still very much in a funk at the start of Lent (Not Catholic, just like the idea of making a personal ritual sacrifice and goals fulfillment during a set time period. Its very rewarding and cathartic). So, if I owe you something from 2015 (art, gift, deed, act, or promise) my goal is declared that you will get it before the end of the year. Which means I am going to be poor more often then not.

My Signature and Brand:
This is sort of connected to the subject below. I sign all my paintings with “O.Holcomb -Date”, and have sense as far back as I can remember. I do this, in-spite of what I am “Known” as by my peers. I have been known by many names in my life (to many I feel). I do this as I keep thinking I will break through to the “Big Time” in the actual art world, but honestly I do 90% of my work with in furry and other fandoms. I have considered taking on a “Pen Name”, other then Ryngs, something more “Nondescript” and “Notable”. Something that both looks and sound more professional. It seems like the artist thing to do in today's art world, and is common across all genres and fandoms. Even among the Human Art World.

Identity crisis:
A lot of people at TFF remember me from years ago, when my persona was a Lapine (Rabbit), and most of them commented about that, and still see me as such. The fact that I wore my Te fursuit (Pronounced: “Day”, who is a rabbit) did not help matters. A lot of these folks asked when I was going to give up my current phenotype (Raccoon) and go back to Rabbit (some saying that it just seems to fit me better). I have to admit I have a strong connection to Lapines. Not to mention I have a thing for cute buck teeth.

No one meant any harm by their statements, and it was a form of flattery. These are not things you say to a suggestive personality type such as me though. For it has left me questioning my self. Not to mention I just cleaned up my On-line “Image” with a new website addy, new FA page, and lots of other account name changes, and I have been made GOH for ArkCONsas under “Ryngs Raccoon”... Even if I wanted to change my persona (which I am tempted to do), it might not be possible at this point.

All this has been bothering me from BEFORE the Con, but has left me doubly filled with self doubt and Identity Crisis after the Con and after this passed week. It also doesn't help that this subject keeps coming up over and over with different - unconnected - people, every single day for the passed week (without any effort or comment on my part). I am finding the constancy and persistence of this subject a little disquieting.

When I close my eyes and visualize my self, I no longer “know” what I see. I have successfully confused my inner self. This whole affair has left me with considerable anxiety and self doubt. I just don't know what to do but all of this, and fear that this is just a symptom of never being content, or at peace, and will leave me with a reputation of “Persona Flaky” (which I seem to have already developed in some circles)...

What should I do?

[Sigh] Furry World Troubles...


Lots of Journal Posts in One!


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  • Link

    Some people have multiple characters. What if one fursona was for your art brand and you had another for your personal self?

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    Werelemming has a great suggestion.

    Myself, I see you as a raccoon, because that is how I met you.

    I solved a similar problem for myself by becoming a hybrid, and I'm much more comfortable in my skin and happy with my choice.

    My old sona looked like this:

    Very plain and boring, and rather generic; though her color scheme fit in with her backstory, I was actually EMBARRASSED to commission my fursona.

    My current sona looks like this:
    I love maned wolves... and I love cheetahs. So why not be a hybrid? Turns out it works. <3

    So perhaps take similar steps? No shame in creating a mix.

  • Link

    Having always know you as a rat, I'm still getting used to our raccoon-sona. After all other considerations, what really matters is what you want. What others want of you is their problem to deal with. Be a rat. Be a raccoon. Be a rabbit. Be a one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people-eater, (if you can find enough flying, purple people to eat.) Be a new thing every day. Be what you want to be.

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    I am glad you had a good time at TFF, I hope I can go next year... maybe even get a booth to sell jewelry and art. Hopefully next year will be great for you too!

    Perhaps you are a shapeshifter, fluid in your species depending on how the mood fits you. I know many people who are.

  • Link

    I don't really even pay attention to personas, to me you're just that smart guy on Weasyl who makes impressive art. I don't feel I would know you better if I tried to figure out why a rabbit or raccoon fits your personality.

  • Link

    I'm glad you had a good time at TFF! Try Anthrocon sometime. :)

    Peronally, I've felt with your art, the raccooniness seems strong.. and your interactions further. It's not bad to have a broad sense of self, but you appear to be good at being procyonid. :)