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Faerilyn Labelle by FeyPhoenix

Faerilyn Labelle


Faerilyn Labelle
Female (somewhat genderfluid, but almost always feminine)

Character art by PumpkinTater PumpkinTater

Notes For Commissioned Artists

Attention to detail gets you everywhere with me! <3

  • Long, fluffy tail
  • Long, wavy hair
  • Eyes are gray-blue
  • Lithe, feminine figure(though her weight tends to fluctuate because she has a snacking problem)


  • If given free reign, Fae loves playing games, cosplaying as cute characters from anime, games and TV shows, and dressing up in pretty much any fashion that includes cute frills or lace. She has a bit of social anxiety, so she spends most of her time in her room by herself. When she does go out, it is usually with a couple people she already knows enough to be comfortable around and usually ends up quietly observing the other people around her. She is much too shy to cosplay or dress up in public, but often daydreams about it. Her natural reaction to provocation and confrontation is to cry, and she really hates that about herself. It is really difficult to gain her trust and, if it is somehow broken, nearly impossible to gain back. She can be a bit of a perfectionist, which, unfortunately, stifles her potential when she doesn’t learn something or gain skill quickly, because she tends to give up. She stopped making plans with people because she is incredibly easy to disappoint, and it seems her plans always fall through or end on a sour note for her or those she is with (despite her best efforts). And then she hates herself again for feeling that way because she thinks it is selfish. She is prone to bouts of insomnia and depression which can make her lash out at people irrationally… which she always feels bad about and apologizes later. She has inattentive type ADHD.


  1. RPGs with a good, complex, and/or dark story
  2. Strategy games
  3. Dressing up
  4. Feeling pretty/cute/sexy
  5. Feeling wanted
  6. Gaming with friends
  7. Being creative
  8. Pokémon
  9. Writing about/creating universes and the characters in them
  10. Supporting the arts and artists


  1. Sweets
  2. Wearing clothes that show off her midriff/belly button
  3. Roleplaying
  4. Fighting games (with friends)
  5. Binge sleeping on weekends
  6. Watching TV shows and anime
  7. Scifi/fantasy experiences
  8. Colder weather
  9. Swimming


  1. Insomnia
  2. How easily she gets disheartened/depressed
  3. How easily she gains weight
  4. Body hair
  5. Bright, neon colors
  6. Raw onion
  7. Yellow mustard
  8. Feeling selfish
  9. When people say they will play games with her, but don’t, or do it once and then never again
  10. The fact that she can be a bit shallow at times


  1. Manipulative people
  2. Bigots
  3. Racism
  4. Transphobic people
  5. Homophobic people
  6. Religion, more specifically, people who use their religion as a shield for their hatred/bigotry
  7. Close minded people
  8. Liars

Character Information

Faerilyn ‘Fae’ Labelle
‘Normal’ Girl (because what is ’normal’?)
Living Life

Faerilyn is supposed to be the current representative of the woman behind the screen. Her personality mostly matches my own, though it is not 1:1. Body-wise, it is a mix of where I desire to be and where I am currently… so there really isn’t a backstory for ‘her’ since that is me. If I end up creating a new persona for myself, I will just give her a backstory that is parallel to my own life, I suppose.

Because of this, I just ask that you keep comments respectful and act as if any comment toward her is directed at me (because that is how I am going to take it, unless I change it down the road).

I’m also probably going to change her color palette at some point. Maybe. The somewhat mint green hair is kinda badass.

She may also be prone to the most change, appearance-wise, but I will keep this page updated with the most current refs.

Character Information
