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Red Squared by SpetsnazKaz

Red Squared


Kрасный Kвадрате - Red Squared

Морозные, лютые были деньки,
Был грозен годок сорок первый.
В кольцо под Москвою сжимались полки -
Фашистских злодеев резервы.

Удалая гвардия, да боевая гвардия,
Отчизны советской железный оплот.
Могучая и скорая, та самая, которая
Без устали рубит, без промаха бьет,
Без промаха бьет!

Мы грудью стояли за землю свою,
И враг получил по заслугам.
Уж он не забудет вовек Верею,
Запомнит и Клин, и Калугу!

Награда за подвигом смелым идет,
И Сталин беседует с нами.
Он смотрит в глаза нам, и руки нам жмет,
И дарит Гвардейское знамя!

Frost, fierce were the days,
He was stern godok forty-first.
In the ring near Moscow compressed shelves -
Nazi villains reserves.

Udalaya Guard, but military guard,
Homeland Soviet iron stronghold.
Powerful and fast, the one that
Tirelessly cuts without a miss hit,
Without a miss hit!

We stood breastfed for their land,
The enemy got what he deserved.
So he will not forget for ever Vereya,
Remember and Wedge, and Kaluga!

The reward for a brave deed goes
And Stalin has an interview with us.
He looks into the eyes of us, and we shook hands,
And gives Guards banner!

The Guards' Song - Alexandrov Red Army Choir - 1951

It was a peaceful summer evening. The clouds shined golden amongst the sky, as the sun began to dive beneath the horizon. There was little a soul to be found on Red Square, as the work day was over. A proud Larissa and Mishya take one last stroll down the cobblestone street before heading home. Within that long walk, the two looked up, pridefully, and thought, "This is my country and I'm proud of it." Blessed be the two siblings who give all they have for their beloved Motherland.

Since everyone seems to really like this picture here:

...I thought I'd bring back that same technique. You know, the one with the white frame? Except with a summery theme, and the addition of Larissa. I'm hoping you guys give this pic as much appreciation as my last one~

Mishya and Larissa © SpetsnazKaz

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Visual / Traditional