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Stream Batch 37-2 - Christmas by MentalCrash

Stream Batch 37-2 - Christmas


Second canvas from the Christmas Stream Event! Less crowded but still with a nice amount of variety <3

1º H-exe & Nathan B got a batch of Christmas Themed Girl Scout Cookies to sell, Nathan still diligently making sure everybody gets to try them, with Helen now becoming part of the Girl Scout army~
2º - 1, 2, 3 theheroofdarkness got a pic of both of our imp selves having a cup of Glühwein and a bunch of Christmas snacks, don't we look just super comfy? To the right you have a post card of big fat Imp Nassley, flying around with a sack of AGWs, Merry Christmas? I guess it'll depend on whether or not you're happy with the AGW you get :3c
3º Kachopper9000 got the pic right below the post card, Princess Caelia has been hypnotized, naked and gift wrapped, I wonder how this came to pass o3o
4º mad-hatter-ison is half transformed into a nut cracker, does this mean she has girl wood?
5º IrateResearchers got the mandatory John McClane of the batch, with their Elf scientist gal in the whole get up, except with her own special gun, because of course Die Hard is a Christmas Movie and Christmas is a celebration of Die Hard and Die Hard is Christmas and Christmas is Die Hard, disagree? well, Yipee Ki Jay, Motherfucker!
6º SomariaMoon & Mistress-Gonzy got the final pic of the batch, angels under a mistletoe, would it be a sin though? They do call it forbidden love <3

First Canvas