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Rhill, the Wanderer (2014) by LordDominic

Rhill, the Wanderer (2014)


More 2014 art.

An updated version of this pic, the description includes some background about Rhill, the first bits of his development as a character, and some lore about his race and world.

Description from the original submission page:

Simple drawing of Rhill, sitting on the ground. He's the first named character of my "Tribes of Another World" series, yet he's not actually affiliated with any of the tribes and is a solitary wanderer. He'd make a good main character or narrator for various tales, as he'd be more likely to encounter foreigners and offworlders to tell his stories to as he goes from settlement to settlement in search of a work, an adventure, or just a good time. His nomadic nature means he'd also likely come in contact with tribes other than his own race and have to learn their ways and customs firsthand. He's not really an outcast or an exile, but the exact nature of his separation from his tribe is undetermined. The bracelets he wears (not visible here due to his pose) may actually be shackles, perhaps he was some sort of slave laborer taken from his homeland before being freed somehow and has since been enjoying the sense of freedom that comes with going wherever he pleases.

Occupation-wise, he's a general unskilled laborer and a bounty hunter/mercenary. As his race is well-suited to fighting and they have a somewhat aggressive disposition, such work suits him. I've yet to depict him with his weapon, which is a sort of common yet outdated blaster rifle. He generally keeps it disassembled in his bag, along with whatever food and money and other things he is carrying. Unlike most of the other tribesmen, he knows how to operate a blaster and knows a bit about operating small land vehicles.

Scars and bandages are quite common for his race, due to their nature. It's not unusual to see them with one or both feet bandaged or with scars on their bodies and faces. In fact, their scars can sometimes be a better way of distinguishing individuals than any other factor. His loincloth also tucks very neatly beneath him when he sits to protect sensitive parts. His surprised expression here might be due to being caught unaware in a position that is less than ideal for defending himself should the viewer be a threat.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital