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I'm LessThan3!

That's <3 in emoji.

I am the staff artist and chief designer for Mao's Menagerie, and a part time pornsmith. You can find me at conventions several times a year helping to run her stand and doing con sketches, along with less savory activities. >:)

I may occasionally post fan art or even something clean, but don't count on it. My wife and I are murrsuiters, swingers and monster fuckers and we don't have much in the way of boundaries so I strongly discourage any commissions that aren't adult in nature as I tend to treat them as too precious.

I'm not afraid of feral, size difference, the itty bitty titty committee, or torches and pitchforks (though you won't catch me drawing loli or the usual "no" fetishes like scat).

UPCOMING CONS (confimed)
Denfur 2021
ACFI 2021

My primary social media is Twitter. You will find more of my sketches there than on gallery sites like FA.

I am available for DMs at all times on Telegram.

My current commission queue:


Kravlin: 2 character artist choice plus Shiarra: 20% Finished (paid 08/24/18)
Max: 2 character artist choice plus Shiarra and Jon: 35% Finished (paid 08/24/18)
Cohole: Painting: 0% Finished (paid 03/29/19)
Kal'horn: Painting: 0% Finished (paid 03/31/19)

Requests/Free: NO - Trades: Maybe - Commissions: Closed*
Commissions are closed except for repeat commissioners and friends within reason.

Mated to XiaoMao. We may be pervs, but we are permanent.

Latest Journal

Post 18 Months of Hell Update


I sure haven't posted much for a long while.

If you follow me on Twitter you know I'm not dead but the reality is that I certainly haven't been active for a very, very long time.

Fortunately, that is changing. I have loosened the cork that was holding me back from getting anything done and I am finally going to upload some completed commissions and some of the random quarantine art I've made over the last two years.

You'll notice the commission section of FA is now blank on my profile. This is intentional, though it doesn't entirely mean I won't be doing commissions any more, just that they will be VERY restricted and the price is increasing. I have felt like a terrible human being for years now because I constantly owe commissions. It's not worth the small supplementary income, so I will be doing them in real time from now on, only taking on a tiny queue at any given moment - essentially only accepting them when I feel I can work on them immediately. For example pricing, at the low end color sketches will be going up to $100, and at the high end paintings will be $750 going forward.

Honest truth, if that is enough to kill some business, it will make me happy. I haven't been able to keep up since day one when I was charging ten bucks for an artist's choice piece. It's time for a major change.

I still have four comms to finish, two old ones owed to good friends, and two paintings which I will be doing first. I intend to do those after we return from Denfur.

I am also officially going to be addressing myself as the Staff Artist for Mao's Menagerie. Mao's business is changing and essentially all of her new products are being crafted or designed by yours truly, so it only makes sense.

Thanks for being friends, watchers and good acquaintances over the years and here's to many more!

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    Thank you so much for the favorite! :D

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      Thanks again! :D

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    Thanks so much for the favorite! :D

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      Thanks again! :)

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    Hey...welcome to Weasyl! :D