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Jonathan & Bertha by MviluUatusun

Jonathan & Bertha


This is Berth Karhu, 42, being carried to bed by her lover, Jonathan Poema, 28. Bertha is a divorced half polar/half grizzly bear and mother of 4. Jonathan is a never married full cougar. He'd been infatuated with her for several years before he finally got the opportunity (and courage) to tell her how he felt about her one night at Bruno's Bar in Catlanna, Gargia. Their age difference puts Bertha in the interesting situation of being a cougar to a cougar. Bertha is 6'0" (183 cm) tall and weighs 180 lbs. (82 kg). She has the slightly overweight body of a middle-aged woman but she isn't fat. She has brown hair that reaches the middle of her back and dark brown, almost black, eyes. Her fur pattern is reminiscent of a vanilla/chocolate swirl ice cream cone, half brown and half white. Jonathan is 29 years old, 5’10” tall and weighs about 170 lbs. He is a full blood cougar with dark blonde/light brown hair shorter than shoulder length and dark, almost golden, yellow eyes with round pupils. He has dark tan/lion yellow fur but his lower jaw, front of his neck, chest, abdomen, inner thighs and inner upper arms are white. On both sides of, and crossing, his feline muzzle, he has a tear track just behind his nose. He has a slightly muscular body but not overly muscular.

This sketch was drawn as a commission for me by J3T ( I want to thank J3T for doing this sketch for me.

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    I... will reserve the comment that a Polar/Grizzly cross is called a Pizzly bear.

    When I was about the same age as Jonathan, I was going out with a woman who was 12 years my senior. It didn't last, but there were no hard feelings when it ended, either.

    Just a note -- Bertha's got ten pounds and two inches on Jonathan. I dated a 6'2" girl for several years, about the same difference in height (I had quite a few pounds on her, though). I don't think I could carry her very far!

    Watching this story with interest...

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      Well, the story of Jonathan and Bertha is, basically, a minor side story to the main story in which Michael and Amanda are the major characters. I will tell you a bit about them. Bertha was married at age 18 to a Kodiak brown bear. He was several years her senior (undecided about that difference right now) and turned out to be abusive. After 15 years of marriage, and three cubs, Bertha's father, a full blood polar bear who stands about 6'7" tall happened to visit during one of Bertha's husband's abuse sessions. It's said that her husband was incapable of appearing during the divorce proceedings. After his release from the hospital, he immediately exchanged his hospital garb for prison togs. When he appeared before the judge, (humanimals don't tolerate abuse of a spouse, even a little bit), he was immediately convicted of spousal abuse and banished from Gargia to Flamingo with the understanding that if he was EVER seen within the borders of Gargia he would spend the better part of the next 40 years in prison for said abuse. After the divorce, Bertha went a little wild and, in essence, became what we used to call a slut. She would sleep with any guy that caught her eye and was interested in a one nighter. Eventually, she got caught and became pregnant with her youngest cub, Kaunis. To this day, she doesn't know the name of the father. All she knows is he was an Amazon Giant River Otter.

      I'll tell more about Bertha and Jonathan later. Right now, I'm kind of in a hurry to head somewhere.

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        I'm sold, so far...

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          Well, that description is only implied in the story since, as I said, Bertha and Jonathan are minor, but somewhat important, characters in the story. I'll tell you a little about Jonathan tomorrow since it's so late right now.

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            BTW, you can see a drawing of Kaunis on my page. She was drawn by Coy Powers on FA who does the web comic, "Sunshine". If you've never read it, you should. It's rather well written and definitely well drawn.

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              Seen and commented...

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                Oh, that's right.

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                Sorry I failed to keep my promise. When I wrote it, I was in St. Augustine, FL, on vacation and wearing myself out during the day and wanting/needing the sleep at night. LOL.

                Jonathan has never married, although he wasn't a virgin when he and Bertha met. His mother was a piebald cougar who was 8 years older than his father. This explains his attraction to Bertha since she has a fur pattern that isn't normal for a bear since she's half polar/half grizzly bear. Because of the fact that his mother was significantly older than his father, their age difference is also a bit of a turn on to him, especially after hearing his father praise his mother's lovemaking abilities.

                Jonathan spends up to 4 days a week in the gym weightlifting, although he isn't muscular, he is well-toned and strong for his size. He proved this to Bertha the first time they shared a bed by lifting her and carrying her to the bed without so much as a grunt, even though she outweighs him by 10 pounds.

                When they first met, Bertha had just been divorced from her husband and, although Jonathan found himself immediately attracted to her, his inherent shyness kept him from saying anything. But, that didn't stop him from flirting with her which she enjoyed because she was very insecure because a) she wasn't full-blood and b) her ex-husband continually berated her.

                Jonathan started working at SoGa Industries right after graduating from high school and Bertha started about 2 years later not long after she gave birth to her youngest cub, Kaunis. Bertha and Jonathan were immediately attracted to each other but, due to their shyness, neither tried to carry the relationship to the current level for 7 years.