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Scouting the Ridge by Caelan

Scouting the Ridge


A recently finished commission for Drathek, of him and his companion Hirokun scouting the wilderness for threats. I got to apply a lot of recent studies about rendering lighting and form in this one and I'm really happy with the scaling especially!

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    Your color palettes are always so spot on for portraying an exact moment in time in any given scene. I look forward to each and every piece you make, don't stop being inspiring.

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      Oh gosh, what a beautiful comment! I very much appreciate it, since I put a lot of thought into the palettes-- thank you, friend! <3

  • Link

    Oh my god this is so nice. SO MUCH DETAIL. The armor, the scales, the landscape... aaaa ;3;

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      Thank you! I actually uploaded a higher res version now, so you can see even more of the detail if you look at the full view :)

  • Link

    I have to agree that this is a fantastic scene! You're really skilled with shadows and lighting, it's like magic, hahaha.

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      Ahh thank you kindly! I've always found lighting to feel magic and moving on it's own, so apparently I've stared in awe at it enough to have picked up a couple things about how to replicate it and tap that power, haha.