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Save it for the Bedroom! by Zaelgolin

Save it for the Bedroom!


Sometimes an idea for a drawing comes out of the most unlikely of circumstances. A few weeks ago, my dear mate Sabre and I went to try our hand at a local par-3 golf course (the course name is "Dragon's Head" so it was difficult to resist based on that alone!). The match was not meant to be even remotely competitive and it turned out to be quite a lot of fun. On the way back, the comparison was drawn between our performance, and that of our dragon forms...particularly if they were indulging in their favorite fetishes! The resulting mental image was just too amusing to pass up: Sabre, tied up in binds and barely able to move let alone swing a club, and Zael, so inflated and bloated that he could scarcely reach around his girth.

And so here we see just one example of what happens when you take your kinks where they don't belong. The only thing missing is an angry crowd queued behind these two bumbling draggies, and a baffled warden saying "save it for the bedroom, boys!" Ah well, looks like these two dragons are just made for each other! And before you ask, that is an air tank in Zael's golf bag - he is not hooked up to oxygen! Well, I guess it could be oxygen, but it's probably just good, cheap ol' air.

Sabre, I hope you like it! It was a lot of fun drawing us in yet another ridiculous scenario!

Gift for the scaley love of my life, Sabre Dragon.

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