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Jubilee 'JuJu' Reptilia by xXMrMittens

Jubilee 'JuJu' Reptilia


Art is by elapidae!

Name: JuJu
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Ball python (axanthic fire morph)
Height: 5'8", 7' long
Weight: Undisclosed
Sexuality: Foodsexual (doesn't care too much about sex, likes good food)

JuJu is, as you may have guessed, deep into the art of voodoo. She mainly stays away from black magic, preferring to use her magic to make people happy. She often carries her book containing spells and tarot cards for a quick reading or just to practice new spells. She draws her magic from nature and negative emotions in order to turn them into good emotions. So don't be scared, she won't bite!

Interests are:
Good food, heating pads, hidey holes, warm people, spooky things (though she may get spooked herself), good magic, basic clothing

dark magic, overly spooky things, bad food, seeing friends sad


JuJu was once a normal ball python, owned by a modern day witch who practiced her magic rituals daily. However, a spell that was supposed to make food multiply turned out to actually be a morphing spell, and went horribly awry. JuJu and her human merged into one and all memories were wiped. Scared and alone, she sought help from others but due to her serpentine nature, she was rejected consistently. Eventually she found solace with a ferret by the name of Saint and became his best friend. Due to the magic that binds them, she is consistently leaking voodoo and attempts to curb that energy on a daily basis by practicing. She uses her magic to heal and save.

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Visual / Digital