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Please Don't Go [Mruse Village] by Woofle

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Please Don't Go [Mruse Village]


"Mruse has the distinction among many as the place we go to leave messages for our dead relatives in lanterns. For me, it has the distinction of being the last place I saw my father alive. It was a particularly cold day in the 2nd month, and I was ten. All I remember is the tule fog. Mruse is honestly a bit of a shithole, and when the lanterns aren't being sent off into the sky, it is just a small dull town. It lays smack dab in the middle of a wide, coastal valley, and is mostly populated by rice farmers and the like. These days, a lonely cowboy or two passes through ... like me. No one stays though. I wish that this was more of a special place, because part of me died here."
~Versearrun's Diary, Elian year 1887, exact date unknown

This tune has been kicking around in my head for ages -- at least in part. Tonight, I finally sat down and got the whole thing recorded. Enjoy!

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Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    pretty and lonely, but not trying to keep them there either.

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      Thank you. ;~; I wanted to go for a sort of warm, sepia-tone 'Why did you leave? I don't understand' type of thing with it, what with it being an adult looking back on childhood memories n' all that.

  • Link

    This is certainly for something of a bittersweet parting and even the tempo really helps with that feeling.

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      It was a really tough balance to strike emotionally n' all that... I'm just really relieved to hear that it sounds right! :D

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        No doubt. You really must work hard on your music.

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          It's about the only thing I'm any good at it, so night and day, I keep workin' at it. @~@ I s'pose it pays off. xD

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    This track does really well leading the heart with that stammering melody, like a child's plaintive cries. Makes me feel good to remember such raw emotion. I think it could benefit from the voice of a hand-played instrument, to make it more expressive and choked-cry-like.

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      I meant to thank you for this comment! ;~; I'm like a month late, but it really means a lot to me! :3
      Would that I could play any hand-played instruments other than the piano, I really would have loved to have had that in this piece.

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        I really was surprised how powerful it is. Maybe it's perfect just the way it is? Sometimes it's good to have somewhat deadpan intonation, with powerful backing, because then it will be sort of an inkblot and instead of trying to feed you emotions it will bring out what is already inside you... It's hard to discuss the subtleties of music.

        I was kinda worried I offended you, but meh, I survived!

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          Yeah, it really is -- but I appreciate the opportunity to do so! (...she said like, a year later.)

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            I'd like to be more hands-on, but my problem is I can only be creative once every two years. And then I just feel dead for weeks afterward. My initial attempts at music were interesting but left me drained for years. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong... Like some people who accidentally set water on fire.

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              Honestly, I know how that feels. There was a period of about 2-3 years where I couldn't produce anything AT ALL. I'd try, and just feel completely drained. x.x;
              You might be right about doing it 'wrong', but perhaps not in the way you think. After all, success can be a scary thing -- especially when it means much more work in the future. Music takes a lot of practice, and it's part of what scared me away during those years I didn't make anything. It might be worth it to think about your feelings on music, and dig deeper to find the answer inside yourself. I mean heck, I could also be completely off the mark. xD I do feel compelled to help a fellow musician though! :3