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Episode End - Blackout by Woofle

Episode End - Blackout


Rather than composing a different song for the ending of episodes in Season 3 (the game will broken up into episodes to give players a good chance to rest) I decided to stick with the Episode End theme from season 2, [ White Out [LINK] ]( . However, I re-wrote the song entirely from scratch. I wanted it to have a more dreamy, wistful feeling, rather than the melancholy feeling it had in Season 2. Enjoy.

Icon of the lovely Verse (from the game :V) by Purplewolf who really needs to upload more often.

Alternate song intro [ here [link] ](

Someday, I hope to find a singer for this -- although that's a long ways in the future.

Lyrics transcribed below;

starts @ 49

Gone away,

you have been for weeks now

Tough to say,

how I feel beneath now

Gone away,

You have been,

What happened

With us

I'll just say

we'll never know

what we would have been

Starts @1'38

Why does it get so cold

When in December

When did we get so old

could I just remember

Why does it get so cold

When its late in the year

I huddle in my coat

and wish you were still here

Starts @ 2'55

Gone away

you have been forever

Once again

I'll see you in never

Gone away

you have been

what happened

to you

You don't care

you never did

who we could have been

Starts @ 4'12

Out in the

blinding snow it can get so cold

Why do we work this way

Couldn't you have grown old

Pull this over

let me out

I don't want to ride

Still recall

just when you said

'I wish we all could just die'

Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    I was about to say how wonderful it is and how it reminded me of the type of work Woofle does, then I saw the name. Wwwwwhhhoooopsssss!!

    • Link

      Heeeeeeeeey, you're here too! :D Awesome!!! I AM EVERYWHE- okay, not really everywhere, but here at least :D

  • Link

    Enjoyed this one much, and tried to sing a bit, but I did not succeed due to not being familiar with the melody and such haha

    • Link

      XD I know this feels! I try to sing it, but I trip over my own voice. ;~; I bet you'll do a lot better once you get used to the melody!

      • Link

        I look at the words, then I open my mouth and almost make sound and i hear "whoops its not the time yet". And then somewhere in the middle I start the seccond syllable or word and I hear "whoops, too soon far that" hahaha. But even if it was all good, it would be some lowass bassy voice singing, and I don't think it fits so well haha. Also, strong accent too :P

        • Link

          But accents are beautiful!! ;~; I actually think I mis-timed a few syllables, too. @~@ Probably makes the song -hell- to sing. x.x; All that matters is if you have fun singin' it, though! x3

          • Link

            Depends on accent :P One friend of mine thinks I sound like the perfect foreign boss character hahaha
            Singing is something I have only recently started to practice. I actually dream of being an eurobeat singer, only problem is that the style I love is 10 years too old, and modern eurobeat is sped up high pitched crap... japenese like such stuff though lol. Italo evolved into eurobeat just for them haha.

            • Link

              I dunno, I haven't found an accent I don't like yet. xD
              You know, just because a type of music isn't 'popular' anymore, or it changed (like in the case of the eurobeat you're talking about) doesn't mean that it can't be popular again! I'd say definitely pursue your dream! Don't give a crap about what's popular. That's what I did, and well... hell, this soundtrack is living proof of what you can do if you unshackle yourself from doubt. x3

              • Link

                I never implied on any kind of giving up. If anything it'll be my own personal pleasure :3

                • Link

                  Yay!! Just making sure. ♥