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Liquid Emotion (Freedom Planet Remix) by Woofle

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Liquid Emotion (Freedom Planet Remix)


Hey guys! I'm still on the road, but I had a little downtime, and wanted to let you know that Freedom Planet's OST is available (and for those of you living under a rock, the game has released!)
What better way to celebrate that than sharing one of the exclusive tracks on the OST?
You can grab it and 70 of its closest friends right here for only 10$! It includes remixes, unused beta songs, and songs that might be in future patches, along with the game's entire soundtrack.

LINK! ---> <--- LINK!

Song description from the OST text file:
Late, late in the project, as crunchtime was approaching, and things were looking pretty scary, I got stuck over and over again on one of the Final Dreadnought songs. Frustrated that I couldn't do anything helpful that night, I tried an exercise to clear my mind. That exercise was simple – just play Pangu Lagoon 'acoustic' and sort out my thoughts and feelings so I could work! It was a stressful time, but ultimately, doing this really, really helped, and I was able to finish the soundtrack.
Like with the Fortune Night arrangement, this begins with how I play the song live, and segues into my more conventional style, beginning with (just like with Fortune Night) four hands worth of piano, and then going into drums, and more.
Both of these arrangements differ from the style I used on Freedom Planet, and more reflect the type of music I like to compose normally. It was fun to see how they would come out like this. Both certainly came out emotional!

Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    Sounds great! Super catchy. Your melodies are great, and your layering is fantastic :3
    I should probably give the game a go at some point!! ^^

    • Link

      Eee! Thank you! ;~; This song was one of the ones I was proudest of on the soundtrack. Well, not this arrangement, 'cause it isn't in the game, but the song in general, I mean!
      I also think you'd totally dig it! :D Well, if you enjoyed gaming in the 90s, that is. It's very 90s. xD

  • Link

    Your music was the main reason I bought the game. :P
    Other factors too but the music helped convince me to grab the boxed set with soundtrack discs. :3

    @Redgrass the game is fun too. Think sparkster and sonic mixed together.
    Should be a demo out to try.
    Personally I like playing as carol as she fits my play style.
    Really fast with lots of quick attacks and ninja moves :3

    I love the feeling this song has and its overall energy.
    I haven't played through the game all the way yet so I haven't heard the original in game one yet lol.
    So can't compare it too much yet.
    Still I love this calm and less noisy sorta style as it kinda has a stronger feel to it that way.
    Kinda like something you'd see in a very moving cutscene or a character song.
    Actually that's saying something considering its just music for a stage. xD

    Either way good work, love it :P

    • Link

      Carol is mah gurl!!! I can play as the others, but she's my favorite by far.
      You'll hear the original tune in a Lilac-only stage, late in the game. Carol/Milla have their own personal stage, too, in fact! I really like that part of the game. [/rambling]
      Anyway, for this arrangement, I wanted to use my normal style, instead of what I used on the game, and I think it brought out a lot of the elements of the song that are hidden in the game arrangements, but you'll have to tell me what you think when you get that far!

      • Link

        Actually I think I played the Pangu Lagoon stage during the alpha with the original song before.
        I have gotten that far in the game now that I think about it but been listening to the soundtrack I was given cause I'm too lazy to beat the game yet.
        I can't really judge the different versions too well as I tend to like them both.
        The remix though is slow and has a deep meaning full sound to it that makes me imagine calm and thoughtful animated cut-scenes of a character searching for something important or traveling for a long time montage.
        Maybe even some credits roll. (Sonic3 credits song used to be very touching for me, more nostalgic now though)
        The in game version I just love the voices at the start. Plus its in English and Japanese? Awesome though I think I like the Japanese version best. It just sounds better to my ears for whatever reason.
        The in game one makes me think of a racing game in the same scenery but it fits the game so well due to that as well.
        Carol roll! woo!
        While I'm at it I love the Carol only stage music too and thought it fit the stage fine before really.
        Kind of reminds me of some old old stunt racing game with similar tracks though they were a ton more repetitive.
        Either way all would fit fine in a racer but thats just me I love racing games. xD

        Ahem, anyway, great job on this, I'll be listening to it over quite a few times no doubt.
        (I still listen to that DMV song now and then when I'm waiting in line xD )