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What I Have Done by Woofle

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What I Have Done


Actually not solecism! D: I meant it to be named this way. XD

This plays during scenes of regret -- especially immediately after mistakes are made, and the consequences have played out. These scenes are often dialogue-heavy, as characters generally don't just 'move on' in this story. It takes them a long time to process what they've seen, internalize it, and try to sort out exactly what they think and feel as a result.

Honestly, I'm moooostly happy with it, but there's a couple parts I will be going back to iron out later (for instance, there's one place where I completely screwed up while recording the guitar track. xD)

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  • Link

    Oh man. The first minute is super chill. Excellent use of accoustic guitar. And the drum that comes in. Aaaaaa. This could be one of those really cool anime ending themes. You've really got some talent!

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      Eee! Thank you! ;~; I went full animé for sure. XD I re-wrote this (the old version was much different) right after watching Spice and Wolf, so I was like.. "MUST CREATE ANIME EVERYWHERE!" and then this happened. xD Thank you again!

  • Link

    OMG I love this track, it's simply beautiful so emotional.

    I love it, I'm speechless, This is a great, great work D:

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      Thank you so much! ;~; I'd honestly been unsure if it was worth posting for a while. xD I'm really glad to find out that it's liked!