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Cursed City by Woofle

Cursed City


We go from the song for the current capital of the Kerlynzian Empire to that which is first heard in the former capital, Ammatga. Ammatga was wiped out in a huge explosion just shy of three hundred years before the beginning of the game's story. Whatever caused it left behind a poisonous green lake, and huge structures made of metal, with strange shafts attached to them. Many people who weren't killed in the explosion got sick and died. The city is very off limits.

The song is also heard in a few other ancient technological ruins, all of which fell from the stars above around the same time...

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    I like that strong snare. Shaker should be less loud though...

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      The main thing I screwed up here, and why that shaker is so loud, is that I ran all of the percussion in the song through a distortion VST, which ends you up with -very- loud hi-hats (which end up sounding like shakers XD) and muddy bass drums. Were I to redo this one, that'd be one of the first thing to get tweaked. xD

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        I have all my individual pieces of percussion on their own channels, it would never happen in my case haha. Percussion always ends up being the bulk of the tune in my stuff, only thing in music I can do without effort LOL