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Theme of Cecelia 'Pleasantly Cantankerous' by Woofle

Theme of Cecelia 'Pleasantly Cantankerous'

Theme of Cecelia 'Pleasantly Cantankerous'


Cecelia's theme (like her) is rather happy and bouncy, if a little wistful. The youngest character in the group, the journey that takes place during the story is the first time she ever goes more than five miles from her home, and her intense wanderlust makes sure that she only looks back occasionally.

Cecelia is a magic-user, and lives under the protective watchful eye of her grandfather (whom she calls 'dad' -- no, I don't think anyone knows why) until she's kidnapped by two top-ranking disciples of fate early in the story. When Verse and Xan intervene, she frees herself and begs to be taken along so she can get her revenge on those who kidnapped her.

While it seems like a simple revenge-based request at first, Cecelia's constant study of maps and mentioning of adventure novels she's read while cooped up in her home quickly betray the fact that she really just wants to go on an adventure and experience life without being told what to do. She idolizes Verse and Xan, seeing as they're (unintentionally) adventuring. Her lack of experience often ends her up biting off more than she can chew, but more often than not, it's her saving the others. As the story progresses, she matures and comes into her own as an adult woman, but she never stops being spunky or stubborn.

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  • Link

    I got an eargasm right in the beginning as the lead kicked in ! And I got more of them as the tune went on, this will get several more plays later !

    • Link

      Oh gosh, multiple eargasms!?!? I hope it wasn't too messy! ;~;

      • Link

        LOL now I got a mental image.... I am so glad reality is not like it LOL