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Theme of Verse 'Crafty Smile' by Woofle

Theme of Verse 'Crafty Smile'

Theme of Verse 'Crafty Smile'


Time to start uploading a ton of stuff. @~@ I'll kick off this gallery by populating it with tracks from a game project I've been working on for a little while; Elancia Chronicles: Order of New Gods.

This first song here is the theme of the main character, Verse. At the beginning of the story, Verse (a fox with a dull purple hue in the fur) and best friend Xan are doing their best to maintain a life of piracy while the oceans of Elancia slowly die and turn to sand around them.

Verse grew up in the Kerlynzian Empire on the south-eastern corner of the B'yada Continent. The culture there is reminiscent of a conglomeration of Asian cultures found on earth, so there are some influences in this tune. Verse is also a guitarist, which is why there is so much guitar in this piece.

There are a lot of odd quirks to this character that certainly keep the story interesting along the way. Over the course of the story, one can watch Verse change and grow from a nervous, uncaring and lonely younker into a (somewhat) brave (sort of) caring adult with a reason to live. Verse also learns some very, very unfortunate things along the way, and eventually, loses innocence in favor of something else entirely.


Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    And so begins spending hours listening our submissions in this place lol

    • Link

      Oh God, your poor ears!! XD ducks

      • Link

        If by poor you mean exhausted from constant awesome, then most certainly ! LOL
        You have become one of my most favorite music making people :)