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SWo_Jungle_Explore by Woofle

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BGM for exploring a jungle area in a new game I'm scoring. I'll be able to post info about the game soon!

Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


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    This would be some nice, chill music to play when I'm thinking of Haydrian's adventures. ^.^ Very lovely piece. I like the complexity that it shows, despite having some rather common track parts over the course of the song.

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      Hehe, thank you!! :D I hope to have a few more of these to post soon!!! :3 Sorry for the late reply, too!

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        Eh, it's okay. I'm not all that active here, so I don't see things right away anyhow. DA is still my primary Hub.

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          Hehe, I know the feeling. I'm mainly on soundcloud, m'self, so sometimes I have to remember to come back here!

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            So you know what it's like then. ^.^
            And just so you know, I haven't forgotten about the art project I promised you. Besides the current commission I've been doing, I haven't really had the time or the energy to work on any other art, including my own. Xp I'm hoping that if I don't manage to get to it soon, I'll have more time to work on it over the summer. That's usually when I have more free time from work, and I'm more productive elsewhere.

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              Hey, no worries, and no rush, either! Remember, I took like... a LONG LONG LONG time to finish the music I owed you. :( I still feel awful about that, so please, don't worry about rushing or anything, alright? Work at your own pace, and don't stress! ♥

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    So much to fav!!!