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TimeLoop by Woofle

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From ECO. Went for an eerie+major key thing, which is tough! @~@ I purposefully made some parts discordant and slightly outta sync!
One of the themes that becomes more and more important as the various stories that take place on Elancia continue, is the fluidity of time. On Elancia, time may not be as linear as it is for us. Time is an eventuality for us. There is no beating it, but perhaps, if there was some way to beat time...

"So, how many times have we been here?" I asked her.
With a wry smile, she shook her head, "Who says either of us was here last time? We're an anomaly. All of this is."
I wasn't sure how to take that, "All of what, exactly?"
It took a moment for her to properly address what I'd said, but she spoke soon enough.
"Everything you've ever seen or done. Everything. None of it ever would have happened if it weren't for the loop. If we're lucky, we won't be alive when it ends this time."
"When what ends?" I demanded.
She seemed almost amused by how little I seemed to grasp. "Time."
"That's... heavy," I admitted.
"Heavier yet is what happened the last time, when none of us was born," she said, her face falling slightly. "I don't know why any of us was born, but I do know we need to take advantage of that, or we're going to die."

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    This is a year late, but I listened to this and got excited because "Oh! I recognize this! ...Wait, this is all trippy!"

    I really love the different variations you have done of this tune over the years!

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      Hey, no worries! I know exactly how that goes. XD

      This song is really really old... back from my Furcadia days. I've always wanted to do something with the song, but every time I tried to do anything with it, it always wasn't.... quite right, y'know..? I think I've finally nailed it this time..! I think finding a 'home' for it in the narrative kind of helped. And also trippified it. XD